"We are going to a park that is closed off to the public for a picnic." Logan tells you smiling.

"Did you cook food?" You ask scared.

"Oh no. I had your sister cook us dinner. And Roman set up the place for us to eat."

"I'm sure it's going to be an amazing date."

"I'm sure it will too."


You two show up at the park and see a red plaid blanket laid out with a pillows to sit on. There are fairy lights in the surrounding trees to light up the darkness. In the center is a basket full of (F/F).

"Logan! You planned this!" You gasp.

"I did. Watching all the romantic movies with you gave me the idea to do this." He says blushing slightly.

"I love it."


"(Y/N) I have an important question." Logan states after a minute of him acting nervous.

"What is it Logie?" You ask concerned.

Logan gets onto one knee and pulls a ring out of his pocket in one swift movement. "I'm not good at romantic stuff so I am just going to cut to the chase. Will you marry me (Y/N)?" He asks. His cheeks more red then the rose he gave you earlier.

"Logan... YES!" You squeal and tackle him with a rough kiss.

"I should have expected that."

"Logan. I'm the definition of unexpected."

"Actually the definition is-" you cut him off with a kiss.

"Shut up and let me kiss you."


You and Roman have been dating for just over two years


Roman just texted you asking for you to go to your favorite local park to meet up with your mom who doesn't have a phone.  And to dress up nicely.


You put on a blue dress shirt and jeans.  Simple but cute.  You wear black vans/converse.  You put on almost no makeup.


You show up at the park to see your mother.

"Hello Mother." You say as you hug her.

"My daughter.  Follow the roses and listen to your heart.  Good luck." She says quickly and apperates away.  You are confused but follow her instructions.

Along the way you see all your friends and they all say the same thing.  After following them for about thirty minutes you come up to Roman. The roses stop at his feet.

"Royal?  What's going on?"  He doesn't answer you but he drops down to one knee and opens up a box with a ring in it.

"My lovely (Y/N)," He starts, eyes shining with love towards you, "Since I met you my life has been an upward spiral of love.  And with you as my loving companion I have been such a lucky man to have that.  But our relationship has not been permanent, as you could leave with with only one sentence.  I would be crushed if that happened, so I would like our relationship to last for eternity.  Will you make this dream come true and marry me?"

"Oh my gosh... yes.  Yes.  Yes yes yes.  So many yes.  I can't even explain how much I would love t-" Roman cuts you off with a kiss.  You melt into the kiss, the world disappearing and only you and him remain.

Roman pulls back smiling a large dopey grin.  "One yes explains it completely."

You and Virgil have been dating for almost four and a half years


"(Y/N) I want to know if you truly love me?" Virgil asked unexpectedly one day.

"Of course!  I love you with every inch of my being.  What's the sun without the moon.  The day without the night.  Black without white.  We may be so different but we are made for each other." You say to him reassuringly.

"Ok. I love you too."


Virgil just ran out of the apartment the next day.  You concerned on why VIRGIL is RUNNING.  He stops at a table at a restaurant we go in dates at a lot.

"Virgil?  Why were you running?" You ask as he regains his breath.

"It was the only way I could think of to get you here..." he mumbles.

"You could have asked me silly head." You tease poking his nose.

"But you were busy." He retaliates.

"I'm never too busy for you." You claim.

"Ok...." Virgil pulls a box out of his pocket and hands it to you.  You open it and see a ring. "Will you marry me?" He asks softly.

"Of course I will!" You smile back at him.  You kiss him quickly.

"Thanks for saying that." Virgil says pulling away from the kiss.

"Do you feel like I'm not paying enough attention to you?" You ask.  He nods.  "I'm always thinking about you, and I'm always making sure your ok.  You just sleep a lot." You laugh.

Boyfriend  Scenarios (Thomas Sanders + Sides)Where stories live. Discover now