I Wish

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I love watching the cheesy romance movies. The 'First kiss in the rain' movies. The one where no matter what happens they stick together and fall in love. The movies where everything is perfect, forever.

I love watching them, until I get home and realize how bad I want that. I realize how bad I want someone to love me like that. Someone who will stay with me when something bad happens. Someone who is always be by my side and not get upset with me.

But life isn't that easy, it has to be difficult. I have to be alone, all the time.

I have nothing, not a thing or person, that makes me feel wanted the way movies make it seem. I have things that cause me stress and hurt, but nothing fixes it. Something can distract me, but right after, I'm back to being stressed and depressed.

"You are too young to be depressed and act like this. You are too young to know love."

You are so damn funny. You know that? I know what love is. I know what having a first love is like. I know what stress is. I know what depression is. I know what thinking about suicide feels like. I know what feeling alone is like. I just don't tell anyone, because no one could fix it anyway.

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