Chapter 9

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  Y/n pov

   Stupid unconsciousness.  Moose came up to me I'm my hospital room to take me home. The second he walked in, I said, " It's only been a few days, but it's felt like a few years." "Well, uh, y/n?" "Yes Moose?" "I have to tell you something. Ok, here it goes. Ithinkweshouldbrakeup." "What did you say?" "Y/n, I ink we should brake up." "WHAT?!" "Well, it's just that I feel like our relationship is hurting you. And I don't want that to happen." "What, no! This isn't hurting me. I'm fine! Please believe me, please!" "No, you're not fine. This never would've happened if I didn't invite Preston over." "Wait, you invited him? Why?" "I just asked him if he could come over so we could talk about, you know, guy stuff. I had no idea he would do this, I'm so sorry." "This ismt your fault!" After saying this I tried to get out of the hospital bed but he pushed me back down. "Yes, it is my fault y/n!" I tried to get up but he was too strong. I tried not to scream so the doctors wouldn't make him leave, but I was scared. Scared of him. I can't believe we broke up, I loved him, I really did. And I still do. "Please don't struggle y/n. Stay there. Don't do anything the doctors don't tell you to do. I want you to be safe." I finally decided to give up and stopped struggling. After that he leaned into my ear and whispered, "I love you y/n, and I always will. I'm doing this because I love you." He then kissed me on the cheek and walked out with a tears slowly rolling down his face. I myself was sobbing my eyes out. I can't believe I let this happen. That really did just happen, or so I thought...

                   Word count: 319
Sorry for the cliff hanger, but I already have chapter 10 written. I'll post it on Sunday, which is when ill try to post. I also have a book report due this week so I'm glad I already finished the next chapter. Thanks for the support. Love you all, bye! ❤💛💚💙💖

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