Chapter 4

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I sigh before getting up from the floor of the janitor's closet, my shame feeling heavy on my chest. My eyes are puffy from sobbing and my face hurts from the blows that Eli gave me earlier. Who knows where my eccentric mother is at the moment. My lock screen on my phone is still blank which is extremely suspicious. Usually she obsessively checks on my whereabouts and well being since she's paranoid about losing another son. At least, I think that's what it was about. I'm suddenly furious with my whole existence. I don't get why I'm allowed to live.

A vibration in my hand brings me out of my anger induced haze and I look down to see a text from the man whore himself. Glaring at my phone I decide not to even bring myself to see what he said. He doesn't deserve my immaculate attention. I am pristine and unflawed. The epitome of perfection. I'm not gay either so he can seriously shove his kissing and possessiveness up his butt. I didn't even like kissing him. It was disgusting.

Great, we're lying to ourselves now. Good job Jonah. Denial is always the best way to solve all of our problems. Look how well we're coping.

Giving into my impulsive personality I unlock my phone and locate my message app. Promptly, I scoff at the name he has given himself. Sexiest Bae Ever is not my idea of a great nickname. Does he think we're dating or something now? Truthfully that's absolutely terrifying as well as annoying. Who does he think he is?!

Sexiest Bae Ever: Don't tell anyone Jonah. Btw, you down for another one tomorrow?

Jonah: No you disgusting pig. Delete my number please and thank you.

I smile a bit at my rudeness, one of the only things I actually excel at without trying too hard. Finally walking out of the closet and into the empty hallways of the school I look around and actually see a little beauty here. Since no one is around it is extremely quiet and the floors are shiny, smelling of wax and the dissipating sweat of hormonal teenagers. It feels like I'm the only person in the world at this moment and it's a great relief to just pretend that no one is here to stress me out or attempt to socialize with me. I also look like a mess probably with my hickeys and black eye I can feel forming underneath the surface of my skin.

Another vibration brings my attention to the screen of my phone once again and I roll my eyes to see that it's another message from the devil himself. He should really leave me alone.

Sexiest Bae Ever: You weren't saying that before ;). Meet me in the closet tomorrow at lunch.

I roll my eyes again and put my phone into my backpack. He truly has a death wish or something. Even being seen with the mute freak is social suicide let alone kissing him. I think he's also forgotten that he likes girls or that he's mean to me for the most part. None of this makes any sense. He's not even attractive either.

Another lie Jonah. That's twice in the span of five minutes. A true record.

My bad mood has returned and it fills my heart with relief to feel that familiar emotion. I can't believe that I kissed him back. What is wrong with me? There has to be a chronic mental illness going on in my brain. I'm not gay. It's not possible. I truly thought I was asexual or something due to the fact that I hate people in general. Oh crap, I need to get to Oliver my "speech therapist and ASL coach". Just great. Even though I can tolerate Oliver because he's an actually genuine human being I don't feel like going anymore. I've had enough of people for today. Might as well go to the park and possibly embrace my new career as a hermit.

As long as there is music playing most of the time and I can get enough to eat then who needs people? They are all a hindrance to my true greatness and awesome power.

My phone rings and I pick it up when I see the caller ID. It's just Oliver wondering where I am. Which is nice in general but today I don't even feel like messing with anyone. He's absolutely on the phone. I swear I can even hear spit coming out of his mouth as he screams into the phone.

Honestly, the screaming comforts me in a messed up way. At least he cares about me enough to scream. Deciding that I don't want to incur Oliver's wrath any more than I already have I meander my way out of the school. I love that Oliver doesn't expect an answer from me when talking on the phone. He says what he needs to say and just hangs up. This is one of the many reasons why he's one of my favorite people on this wretched planet that we live on.

Oliver's office isn't that far from the school and I thank my lucky stars that whoever controls the universe or whatever made the weather warm with a bit of wind. The walk there is fairly uneventful other than the fact that I saw a goose fighting with another goose. This is truly one of the most eventful days of my year. Of course Eli is a pesky fly but soon that'll fade away and the common monotony of my life will kick in again. Hopefully.

Walking into the office, I'm greeted by the too perky for her own good receptionist Jolene.

"Hi there Jonah! You doing alright today?"

In response I just stare blankly at her to get across the point that I don't want to communicate with her. She's used to this and sends me back to Oliver's desk with a too cheerful wave. That lady needs to watch something sad or have a major depressive episode.

I don't bother to knock on Oliver's door before opening it and plopping my delectable ass on the brown suede couch. He's expecting me so if he's freaked by my presence then that's news to me. Not like he does anything other than read and play Fall Out 4 and COD. Oliver is a good man.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

I look up to see Oliver's slightly chubby frame make his way past the couch. He has the face of a pit bull, rough yet with eyes that any girl would kill for. His eyes are the most intriguing part of his face. They're a green color with yellow faded in near the iris.

Another set of eyes, one blue and one green, pops into my mind and I glare at the table like it's the most offensive thing in the world.

"Ah, I see that you're finally here Jonah. Thought I'd have to drag you here by the hair that you seem to love so much. Or maybe that stupid nose ring. Glad you're here in my session today. Not like your mother doesn't pay for it or anything."

Ah, dear angry Oliver. He's the epitome of sarcasm. That's probably why we get on so well if I'm honest. Our personalities were almost the same. He was a bit more optimistic though which is why my mother pays him the big bucks. Actually, more like our insurance does but still.

If I actually had money I wouldn't be wasting it on therapy. I'd be getting out of this crap town and exploring things. Or I'd hole myself away in my mansion on the sea and only venture out every few months so that I don't go more insane than I already have. Either way anything is better than here.

It's fine Oliver. You're just jealous of my fabulousness. You can never be equal to my level of beauty and grace as well as intelligence, I sign.

To this Oliver actually snorts like it's some preposterous statement. I only tell the truth. It's in my amazing and wonderful nature.

You're the worst liar I've ever met. Please stop while you're ahead.

My inner voice really needs to be quiet. It's annoying that it's usually right. Oliver just looks at me with amusement in his expression as I do my signature glare. That's usually how these sessions go. I glare at Oliver and he just laughs at me while talking to me in ASL to expand my "vocabulary".

Once our session finishes Oliver pays me on the back and makes a motion that tells me that he doesn't want to see my face anymore. I don't mind this one bit. I'm pretty much done with people at this point.

Taking out my phone I make a strangled noise at how many texts I have. They're all from Sexiest Bae Ever. He's really persistent. It's weird.

Sexiest Bae Ever:You there?
I promise not to annoy you anymore please just reply.
We don't have to do anything tomorrow.
Do you hate me?

Jonah: Can you just calm down? I was busy.

Sexiest Bae Ever: Oh sorry.

I don't bother replying because this whole thing is ridiculous. He doesn't like me for one. For two, even if he did we can't do anything about it because I don't feel the same way. I can't even stand to be in the same room with him without feeling the urge to punch his stupid face. That kiss was a mistake.

That's all this was.

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