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Word count: 1532


Keith stared at the male in front of him.

'This isn't happening... This just isn't happening. This is impossible, he can't, he- he shouldn't be...'

Keith's thoughts were zooming through his head at an indescribable speed, barely registering before being replaced with the next one. Yes, Keith's mind was racing but he was completely still, his mouth agape and eyes bulging as though he had just discovered water for the first time. And then it hit him all at once.

He suddenly felt dizzy, his breathing was steadily getting heavier until his chest was heaving. His whole body began to shake, jitters that felt like spiders crawling under his skin and taking control.

"Keith..? Keith are you alright?" A nice girl, he thought her name might be Amy, spoke up from his right.

Keith looked to her and then back to Lance and then back to her again. His mouth was moving but no words were coming out. He felt trapped inside his current state of shock and couldn't find it in himself to get it together.

"He's having a panic attack. Look Keith, I need you to try and breathe evenly for me okay? In through the nose and out through the mouth. Just like this." Another classmate, Dan, said after standing and walking so that he was in front of Keith.

But Keith couldn't listen to Dan, who was currently showing him how to breathe correctly. He clutched at his chest, which felt so tight that it could probably burst at any given moment.

"Okay guys, give him some space, this isn't helping him."

That voice again. Oh how Keith had missed that voice. The sound made his heart hurt even more.

Keith vaguely registered someone taking his hand and helping him to walk out of the classroom. He was sat down with his back against a cold tile wall, his hand still encased by a warm tan one.

"Shhh. I know Keithy, you're hyperventilating. You've gotta breathe with me, okay?" Lance said, kneeling down in front of Keith with his other hand now cupping the shaking boy's jaw.

Keith felt himself freeze all over again as those beautiful blue eyes, tainted with worry, were cast upon him. His breathing stopped all together for a few tense and dead silent seconds before a large sob finally escaped his lips and he broke down, right there in the boys bathroom.

Lance smiled sadly and shook his head.

"Can I hug you?" He asked, as he had learned that not all people liked to be touched when having a panic attack.

Keith nodded vigorously and Lance gave a little sigh of relief before wrapping the ravenette up in his arms. Lance rocked him from side to side until his sobs were just sniffles, Keith clinging to the thin fabric of Lance's shirt like his life depended on it.

When he was calm enough that his breathing went back to normal, Lance opened his mouth to speak.

"How do you feel?" He asked softly.

Keith paused and moved his head from where it was buried in Lance's chest.

"H-how do I f-feel?" He said incredulously.

"How do I f-fucking feel?" He said again, his voice rising in volume this time.

Lance grimaced at the loud voice in his ear and pulled away slightly before looking at Keith, confused as to why he suddenly looked so angry.

"Yes?" He said, or rather asked, his head cocked to the side in a way that Keith would've found adorable if he weren't so pissed.

"Oh, I feel fine and fucking dandy L-Lance." He said sharply, shrugging the Spanish boy off of him and standing up.

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