Chapter 3

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On Friday afternoon that same week,Hermione was in the library doing her ten page potions essay that Professor Slughorn gave while,Draco went out to the Quidditch field to practice for the upcoming game the next day(Hufflepuff vs Slytherin).When dinner came around,Hermione packed her stuff,went out of the library and strait to the Great Hall.

Once she entered,she sat in between Ginny and Luna... "Luna?...Why are you at the Gryffindor table?" Hermione asked setting her bag under the bench. "Well...I was hoping to catch up with you and Ginny.But if thats not okay I'll just go back to the Ravenclaw table." Luna replied getting ready to stand up,but Hermione grabbed her hand and sat her back down. "No!No its okay I was also hopping to catch up with you too!" Hermione said beaming at Luna who smiled beautifully. The sound of a fork clanking against a goblet was heard.Everybody in the Great Hall turned their head to the Headmistress who was now standing. "The ministry and I arranged a ball which is to be held on the end of September.The day before the ball,everybody will go to Hogsmeade to buy what they'll be using on the very next night. Everyone who is in their 3rd, 4th,5th,6th,7th and 8th year must have one date to attend the ball." McGonagall said. "Oh! And the head girl and boy please meet me at my office after dinner." She clapped her hands and food appeared in-front of Hermione.

Sorry!For no updates lately!I was busy studying for my exam! Now,I have a tree day weekend I can update anytime I want! I'll probably update tomorrow night or afternoon! Oh and I lost my badminton match!
And I made a new cover and I changed the discerption!

New Cover:

Like it? Comment which one was better old or new!

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Old cover:

I know this chapter is short l'll try to make it longer on the next one!

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I know this chapter is short l'll try to make it longer
on the next one!

New discerption:
  Hermione Granger was on platform nine and three quarters.It was a year after the second wizarding war.Hogwarts was finally rebuild after the war.

Many people lost their lives like:Nymphadora Tonks,Remus Lupin,Alastor 'Mad eye' Moody and Fred Weasley.The Weasleys were still recovering from Fred's death.But the most effected Weasley out of all of them was George.

He would cry every night on Fred's bed at the Burrow,go visit his grave everyday.He closed down the joke shop and dyed his hair brown cause the red hair just reminds him of Fred.

Anyway back to the story.Hermione pushed the thoughts out of her head and boarded the train.-Finally a normal year-Hermione thought.-A year of learning and a year of no Harry and Ron-Harry and Ron did get their Hogwarts letters but they didn't except cause the ministry gave them jobs as Aurors.

Hermione snorted-Who needs Ron anyway?-Hermione caught Ron shagging with Lavender Brown.(Yes.She is alive)Hermione then made her way to the Heads Compartment which was located at the front of the train.

-Im wondering who is the Head Boy?-Hermione thought as she finally reached the Heads Compartment.She slide the compartment door open and saw...
"Malfoy?"Hermione said.Draco raised his head when he heard her voice. "Granger...your Head Girl?"Draco asked as Hermione sat in-front of him.Hermione nodded slightly and said tilting her head a little bit to the right. "Your Head Boy?"Malfoy only nodded.Hermione smiled "Then,Welcome back Malfoy"Hermione said putting her hand waiting for Draco to take it.

Draco was taken aback by this.He thought Hermione would shout at him by saying he was supposed to be rotting in Azkaban with his father.He looked down at her hand and took it and shook it. "Welcome back Hermoine."

Yes I know this is from chapter one!
Till next time!

23rd May 2018

Hii everyone sorry for not updating.I'm still thinking what is going to happen in the next chapter.

One of my friends dared me to do a face reveal on Wattpad so here it goes

With Hijab:

Without hijab

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Without hijab

(Im the one in the red shirt)I know I know that I'm ugly

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(Im the one in the red shirt)
I know I know that I'm ugly.Anyway I'm probably going's to update next week or month!

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