Chapter 1: Escape

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I watch as he grabs my Mother's neck and begins to strangle her slowly while injecting a knife into her stomach. "Mommy!!" I yell. She turns her eyes on me, "Diamond run..." She struggles out as he loosens his grip on her neck to turn to me. "Yes, run. Happy Birthday, you're officially 14 now." I cover my mouth to hide the sobs racking my body. As I do this I also open my hand and send and small electricity bolt at his chest. "Diamond no!!!" My Mother yells and struggles to stand up and grab my arm.

"Run diamond, run and never let him catch you. Go grab the bag under my bed. It's your only support until you can support yourself, now run!!!" She pushes me towards her bedroom and I rush in to grab a satchel filled with whatever, I don't stop to check. Rushing out the room, I see him getting up slowly since it was a weak bolt. "Run Diamond. I'll hold him off for as long as I can, just run." I get another flow of tears, "Mama." She pushes me out the door and I stop to watch as she tackles the man.

"Run Diamond, ru-!!" Her voice is cut off after a bullet slices through her head. I muffle my screams with my green hoodie sleeve. I turn and run, not bothering to see if he is following me. I run for as long as I can, which is for a couple of hours. I stop when I feel my lungs are going to burst. I grab the satchel and open it. "Clothes, water, snacks, sandwiches, and hygiene. It looks like she was already planning this..." I mumble under my breath as I get tears, remembering my Mother.

"No, no crying right now." I say as I wipe my tears, "Mama always said singing always makes it all better. Maybe I should try it." I take a deep breath and whisper sing, not wanting to attract attention.

"I am outside

And I've been waiting for the sun

With my wide eyes

I've seen worlds that don't belong

My mouth is dry with words I cannot verbalize

Tell me why we live like this

Keep me safe inside

Your arms like towers

Tower over me


'Cause we are broken

What must we do to restore

Our innocence

And oh, the promise we adored

Give us life again

'Cause we just wanna be whole

Lock the doors

Cause I'd like to capture this voice

That came to me tonight

So everyone will have a choice

And under red lights

I'll show myself it wasn't forged

We're at war

We live like this

Keep me safe inside

Your arms like towers

Tower over me

'Cause we are broken

What must we do to restore

Our innocence

And oh, the promise we adored

Give us life again

'Cause we just wanna be whole

Tower over me

Tower over me

And I'll take the truth at any cost

'Cause we are broken

What must we do to restore

Our innocence

And oh, the promise we adored

Give us life again

'Cause we just wanna be whole"

I wipe my eyes and stand up, my hoodie covering my face as I begin to walk in a random direction. I come to a open street with bright lights. 'What is all of this?' I can barely read some of the signs, my Mother only taught me a little bit. One says, "" I pronounce the word carefully. "Look out!!" I hear a shout then my body is yanked onto a higher concrete as something whizzes bye with a guy hanging out of it.

"Titans go!!!" I hear another yell and I see about 3 to 4 people chasing a that same fast thing. "Are you okay?" I look up to see a green boy holding me. "What are you all doing?" I ignore his questionand give my own. "That car has a bank robber in it and we're trying to stop it." I tilt my head, then shrug and get out of the boy's arms. I stand up and face the moving thing, now labeled as car,  with my hand out as the boy stares questioningly at me.

The car is lifted from the ground and the tires are removed before the car is placed down once again. "Whoa!! How'd you do that?!" The green boy questions me. I just blink at him as his friend melts the locks on the car. Then all of them hurry over to me and the boy. Before they arrive I ask his name. "Beast Boy, who are you?" Before I can answer with my own name the others arrive. I get slightly scared and hide behind Beast Boy.

"Yo BB. How'd you do that?!" A half, I think the word is robot, asks. "I didn't, she did." He moves from in front of me. 'Thanks.' I think sarcastically to the green boy. "Who is she?" A guy in a domino mask and tights asks. 'She is standing right in front of you ya know?' I think sarcastically again. "Maybe you should ask her." A girl in a purple cloak states. Mask-guy turns to me, "who are you?" I blink at him blankly and tilt my head. "Who are you?" He raises a non-existent eyebrow.

"Raven," he points to understanding cloak girl. "Cyborg," he points to half robot guy. "Starfire," he moves to a girl with orange skin and little clothing, I'm not judging, maybe she doesn't know better. "I'm Robin and I think you've met Beast Boy already. So what's your name?" I sigh, I don't exactly trust these people. I go with the nickname Mama always called me, "Diamond." I state quietly and turn around to leave.

"Wait, Diamond!" Beast Boy calls out, I pause and turn towards them. "Where are you going?" He asks me, I furrow my brow and answer. "I don't....really....know." They look shocked. "You don't know? Are you going to stay in a hotel or something?" I tilt my head at Robin's question. "What's a h-hot-tel?" I pronounce slowly. They look even more surprised. "You don't know what a hotel is?" Asks Raven. I shake my head slowly, "should I know?"

They just look at each other before Starfire speaks up. "Robin!! Maybe friend Diamond can stay at our home for awhile!!!" I blink at them in confusion as Robin nods and turns to me. "Do you want to come to the Titan Tower?" I blink, unsure. "I-I don't know..." I trail off uncertainly. "Come on, the streets isn't a place for a young lady like yourself." Cyborg persuades as Beast Boy turns into a kitty. I purse my lips before sighing, "alright, but only for a little while. I don't want to cause trouble."

"Yay!!" Beast Boy turns back into himself. I look at him, "by the way, I'm not a particular fan of cats." He looks defeated as Cyborg teases him. "Alright Titans. Let's get home." I blink as Raven and Starfire float, Robin gets on a two wheeled thing that looks similar to the car, Cyborg got picked up by a animal Beast Boy changed into. "What about friend Diamond?" I shake my head ans create a slab of ice, levitating it. "I'll follow." They all nod and we set off.

'I wonder....what's going to happen to me?' I decided not to tell them my story. I don't want what HE had called pity.

~End of Chapter 1~


I don't own Teen Titans, I own what I own.

Raven- Well that was simple.

It left any needed loop holes for later. I can't be to specific.

Raven- Point taken.

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