I Wish I Could Have You

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~Chapter 3~

It was already Monday morning, Harry got up bright and early a little more tired than he would have wanted. He was away at his father's lake house with Louis all weekend and they've done a lot of things but sleeping wasn't one of them.

When they go there they always get carried away with the possibilities of what they can do. From stargazing to baking they've spent their entire weekend staying occupied.

"Does it ever bother you?" Harry was resting his head on Louis' lap, while they were seated on the bank of the lake.


"Your reputation in school."

"Yeah, though I guess I got used to it. I mean it could be a lot worse. You wouldn't believe all of those things right?"

"Of course not Lou, I love you more than anything even if I wanted to I'm way too biased towards you."

"Do you think that's bad?"

"No, you worked for my trust, you've been there for me at any given second since I was born. I'd take a bullet for you Boo, you know how much you mean to me."

"Same goes for you little one. I'm not even sure why it all became so bad, I'm never normally like this so I get why people assume the worse. I'm a hundred percent myself when I'm with you but when other people are around it's almost like a defence mechanism for me. There are a lot of cases where if you're not strong enough others will walk all over you."

"I like to see the other perspective and just try and look for their kindness."

"I know and I'm so happy that you're like that."

"It's because of you."

"What do you mean?" Harry got up and sat crossed-legged so he was facing the older lad now.

"You've done nothing in our entire life but made me feel good about myself. You've always supported me, let me say whatever I want, wear whatever I want, do as I wish. You let me live in my own little fairy world, making sure that no one would have the chance to make it crumble down. You worked your hardest so I could see the best in people. If I would have gotten even just the fraction of hate and disappointment that you've stopped before it got to me I'm sure I'd see things differently."

"I love how you see the best in everyone, I love to listen to your opinions and I might have made you feel safe but I've never influenced your personality, it's all you. You are just the kindest person."

"You do make me feel safe." Harry hugged Louis tightly, burying his face into Louis' neck, staying there for almost a full minute. They were content and peaceful, neither wanting to break the moment or the contact.

Now Harry was just about to be finished getting ready as he tied up his converse. He had on his favourite pink hoodie that had the cutest detail on its sleeve ever. It read: Treat People With Kindness. Needless to say why it was Harry's favourite.

"Bye mummy, I love you." Anne yelled back to him so he skipped over to Louis' house where he was already waiting for the curly-haired lad. "Hi Boo."

"Hi baby." Louis opened the door for Harry and quickly pecked his forehead before he sat in and the older one closed the door. He walked to the other side and also seated himself, starting up his car.

"Boo in a few months you'll be 19 and I'll be 17. That's so cool, isn't it?"

"I guess, but you'll always be my baby Hazza so don't even think you'll be an adult." Harry rolled his eyes but his smile never disappeared. He was honestly fine with that.

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