New friends

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~Chapter 2~

Harry woke up to loud knocking and watched from under Louis' arm as Jay poked her head inside. Harry only nodded in the slightest and smiled so she left, closing the door back. When he was over and they needed to wake up like right now, Jay always lets Harry do it.

He was cuddled up to Louis closely, not a single inch of his body untouched by the lad. He removed his feet from between Louis' and gently shook him.

"Good morning Boo bear." Louis only groaned making Harry crack a huge smile, Louis was truly adorable in the mornings.

"If you wake up now you can get a Hazza kissy." Louis forced his eyes open by the promise of their dumb tradition. He was met with those shining green eyes that were lit up by Harry's grin that was stretching through his face, carving out deep dimples.

"I'm already up little one." Harry giggled as he pushed his nose into Louis' cheek. It was pretty weird if you didn't know the two well, meaning you aren't their parents.

This started when they were only kids, Harry was two years old and Louis was five. Louis asked for a kiss on his cheek, trying to teach Harry how to do it but he kept pushing his nose against Louis and not his lips. It became their special kind of kiss and for whatever reason they still this day do it.

"Thank you Hazza, this is my favourite way to wake up." Louis pressed a quick peck on Harry's forehead and pulled him out of his comfortable bed, guiding him downstairs. They ate while chuckling together, Louis always magically gaining energy when Harry needed attention.

When finished they kissed Jay and ran back upstairs to brush their teeth. Louis then proceeded to comb his hair and also tamed Harry's curls.

They got dressed from Louis' closet, he was wearing a black sweater with black skinny jeans while he gave Harry a black hoodie that reached almost down to his thighs and his tightest pants that he never threw out even though he cannot get them over his bottom. He also found-with some difficulty-a belt to hold it up for Harry.

"You always look so adorable in my clothes." Harry couldn't help but agree, he loves to wear Louis' stuff.

"They could be a little more colourful you know?"

"Not really my style, but I do love colours on you." Harry rolled his eyes whilst watching Louis' fingers as he clipped in his piercing. Harry doesn't really like them but Louis' was always cool in his eyes, he looked hot with it in.

They both got on some shoes and Louis started the car while Harry ran home to fetch his backpack. Louis waited until his angel was all buckled in and headed towards the school. He parked at his usual spot and got out, meeting Harry in the front.

"Don't be nervous and if anything is wrong do tell me, alright? You can also just tell anyone to leave you alone or they'll have to deal with me. Just say my name." Louis quickly fired a text to Zayn that he won't come back only meet them on class and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist.

They started to walk towards the entrance and Harry was left to realise that he for sure cannot stay invisible after walking in with Louis, he'll has to show his best so no one here will hate him. Though not a single person said a word to them, they were just observing the pair.

"I'll walk you to registration then we can find your locker and first classroom. Do you want me to come ahead of you and walk you to second period because I will. Or want to stay cool cause I can also pretend to be chill about my baby growing up."

Louis smeared away a few fake tears that were a lot closer to real ones than Harry needed to know. "I'll be good thank you, I think I should be able to make at least one friend and we can meet up for lunch?"

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