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"Doesn't he look cute?" I said, spotting Ruibin on the field as his team practices their performance for the talent show.

They were going to sing and dance Can't Stop.

"Don't you have a song to practice?" Yanchen asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

I hummed, "Yeah, but watching him practice is way more productive."

"You're only wasting your breath standing there like a complete idiot."

"Shut up, Zhou Yanchen. You just don't appreciate Zheng Ruibin's beauty,"

Yanchen was in awe as he pointed at the window, "Should I just tell Ruibin how obsess you are?"

I scoffed, "I'm not obssessed silly." I was about to add something again about Ruibin when - "What the - Zh- Zheng R-Ruibin?! You were just - but you were -"

"Stop stutterring will you," Yanchen said, pushing me aside. "Hey man. Sorry, she's a little cuckoo on the head."

Ruibin chuckled, patting Yanchen's shoulder, "No worries. Anyway, can I borrow the suit?"

"What suit?"

"You know, the one Ziyi lent to you that he borrowed from Zhengting."

I saw Yanchen tilting his head, "Ziyi lent me a suit?"

I crossed my arms waiting for Yanchen to understand the question, "Is your memory really that bad?"

"Wait!" Yanchen muttered, holding out a finger. "I think it's in my closet somewhere. I'll bring it tomorrow."

"Ruibin-ge! It's time to go back to practice!" I heard Justin's voice from the halls.

"Well, I better go," Ruibin said, looking at me. "Bye, Mingzhu. Good luck on the talent show!"

He ran off as I slowly patted my chest. "Oh my god, my heart. Is beating. So fast."

Yanchen furrowed his eyebrows as he returned to the piano, "Please stop being so overdramatic."

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

"I can't believe those idiots don't even want to spend a single dime on their older brother!" I exclaimed, walking towards the vending machine.

I looked at the price, "Maybe I can get a discount?"

"Hey," I flinched as I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head around and no way. It's him.

"H-hi," I stuttered, trying to wave my hand.

Ruibin chuckled, "Why are you so nervous?"

I straigthened my back and tried to make up a situation, "Oh, nothing. My brother's coming back so maybe that's why."

"Ahh," He said, smiling. Stop it Zheng Ruibin. I feel like dying in here. "Was he gone for too long?"

"Yeah, 4 days," I bluntly replied, still looking at the discount prices.

"Looking for a cheaper drink?" Ruibin says, kneeling down in front of the machine. "Hmm,"

I feel like my heart is going to burst and my knees are getting weak.


"Uhm - what are you doing at the airport?"

Ruibin stood up again, putting some coins in the vendo, "My sister is coming back from Japan. So I'm practically doing brother duties. Guess we're the same, huh?"

"Yeah, the same." I said, looking at his eyes. Goodness, Ruibin, what are you making me feel?

"Baby girl! Did you get the drinks?!" I swear Zimo is going to get it someday. I heard his voice from afar.

I bit my lip, as I continue to smile at Ruibin. Zimo arrived and ruffled my hair, "I told you to get them."

"Zimo," Ruibin called out to him. "Fancy meeting you here."

Zimo nods, "Zheng Ruibin. Is Mingzhu bothering you?"

"Hey!" I elbowed Zimo on his stomach and he started wincing in pain. "Stop intruding on my life."

Ruibin was laughing but stopped midway when he heard his phone ring. He look at it for a second and faced me, "I'm sorry Mingzhu but my sister's plane just landed. I have to go. See you in school!"

I nodded, waving at him like a dumb lovestruck idiot. He's so handsome and even when he runs, his visuals never disappoint.

Zimo snapped his fingers in front of me, "I could cry here all day and you wouldn't even notice because of Zheng Ruibin?!"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Stop being such a baby." I took his phone from his pocket and searched in his Alipay app. "I want a discount."

"Just make sure you don't put it on credit,"

I couldn't hear his sentence as the code was being scanned. Six drinks fell from the machine. I gave him his phone back and I almost dropped the drinks when I saw him kneeling on the ground.

"Ohmygod, what happened?" I asked, sounding a bit concern.

Zimo held his chest as he clutches tightly on his sweater.

"Are you having a heart attack or something?" I pushed some of his bangs away, touhing his forehead. "Well, you don't have a fever or anything."

"Why -" He muttered, almost lying on the ground. People were looking at him.

"Zimo, come on," I whispered, trying to pull him up. "You're embarrassing me."

"Y-you -"

"Yes me, now come on." I finay got him to stand up but he was still gazing at his phone. Like something shocked him. "What is it?"

Zimo sighed before exclaiming - or rather crying - something that I swore was heard from all corners of the airport, "YOU USED CREDIT TO BUY THE DRINKS!!!!! QIN MINGZHU, YOU ARE INDEED QIN FEN'S EVIL LITTLE SISTER!!!!! YOU BETTER PAY THIS BACK OR ELSE!!!!!!"

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