The Lodgers ~ Meeting the Man Upstairs

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A few hours later Sophie decides to leave and so Craig goes with her to walk her out. I stand up and hug her which she's a little surprised by but she hugs back. "It was really nice spending time with you today, I don't get to spend times with other girls that often."

"Yeah, well I've only really had this big loon, my sister and her fiancé..." I fade off at the mention of Rory and the Doctor looks down at what he's messing around with whilst Sophie smiles to me. "See you soon." I say unexpectedly and sit down, not wanting to talk anymore. Craig talks with Sophie out in the hall for a bit before coming back in alone. After another few minutes I leave the living room and go into mine and the Doctor's bedroom huffing in frustration when I remember our bed has been occupied by a shield generator built out of nonsense such as bicycle wheels and clothing lines. "Doctor!" I yell and he comes in calmly.
"There is no bed to lie on." I state.
"No, but you've had your weekly night of sleep, you're not going to want to sleep again, so, no need for a bed." The Doctor says as he shuts the door turning on his earpiece.
"That's considerate of you." I mutter sitting against the wall as I can't be bothered to argue. The Doctor spins the rotary clothing line turning on the shield.
"Right. Shield's up. Let's scan." He says. I was too far away to hear Amy's response so I sit watching the clothing line, slightly mesmerised by its spinning. "Upstairs, no traces of high technology. It's totally normal? No, no, no, no, no, it can't be. It's too normal." He says turning towards me and dodging the arms of the shield generator.
"Only for you could too normal be a problem. You said I could be lost forever. Just go upstairs." I hear her say this time as he bends down in front of me messing around with something on the floor.
"Without knowing and get myself and Mackenzie killed? Then you really are lost. If I could just get a look in there. Hold on." He stops the spinning. "Use the data bank. Get me the plans of this building. I want to know its history, the layout, everything." He tells Amy. "Meanwhile, I shall recruit a spy." The Doctor says.
"A spy, Where are you going to get a spy from?" I ask him one eyebrow raised, he just grins at me.

"Did you know that we can speak any language we want?" The Doctor asks me as we lay together on the couch.
"I didn't, what does everything account for?"
"Well we can understand babies." He gives me example and I push myself up to look down at him.
"I can talk to babies?" I ask laughing.
"Well no, you've always been able to talk to babies, babies understand what their parents tell them, it's just not a vice versa communication system." He tells me. I laugh at him lying back down.
"I know you don't like it, but I'm really loving this, being a Time Lord, Doc, I can remember every single page of every book I've ever read. If I had this back in year 11 I would have surfed through my GCSEs, all the equations that I made myself forget four years ago, they're back, in my head I remember every single one of them without relearning them." I muse excitedly. I look to him to see him smiling lightly at me. "What?"
"It's nice seeing you smile. I like watching you when you're happy, it makes me happy." He tells me I smile even wider as he says that before I kiss him and sit up to look at the time.
"It's 5.30." I say to him and he doesn't respond. "We should make Craig breakfast, thank him for everything he's done." I tell the Doctor.
"That's a brilliant idea I'll go and get the bacon!" The Doctor responds jumping up from the sofa and over to the kitchen counter.

An hour later and the Doctor and I are going to Craig's door with a tray filled with breakfast. "Craig? Craig? Breakfast. It's normal. Craig?" There's no response.
"Craig?" I ask as the Doctor forces the door open. We both rush over to the bed and I put the tray down.
"Craig. Craig, Craig, Craig. I told you not to touch it. Look, what's that? It's an unfamiliar and obviously poisonous substance. Oh, I know what'd be really clever, I'll stick my hand in it. Come on, Craig, breathe." He says as he hits Craig's chest causing Craig to gasp. "Come on, Craig, breathe. Thems are healthy footballer's lungs." I don't wait for the Doctor to say anything more as I grab the teapot and run into the kitchen, stuffing as many teabags into the pot as possible.
"Right, reverse the enzyme decay. Excite the tannin molecules." I mutter to myself and I run back into the bedroom passing the Doctor the teapot he smiles to me, proud, before putting on a serious face and making Craig drink the liquid from the teapot.
"I've got to go to work." Craig croaks.
"On no account. You need rest. One more." The Doctor says making Craig drink the extremely strong tea again, I find myself relaxing when Craig insists, as it's a sign he feels at least a little bit better.
"It's the planning meeting. It's important."
"You're important. You're going to be fine, Craig." I reassure him as I put my hand to his head and stand with the Doctor leaving his room.

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