Start from the beginning

It wasn't fit for a beautiful triumphant queen such as her. It was no kingdom like the two evil schools she ruled over with him. Gavaldon was nothing. And Sophie of Woods Beyond deserved quite more than absolutely nothing at all. She deserved everything Rafal could offer her and he had given her a kingdom, given her his love, given her power, and had given her far more than what this pathetic town could provide her with. But the one thing he hadn't given her was his heart. She'd stolen it from the very start, and as long as she held it he would always try to find his way back to her no matter what.

If Agatha and Tedros Really thought they could  just hold the most Powerful immortal sorcerer in the world in this wretched place for long, they had another thing coming. He would get out of here and get back to Sophie no matter what it took.

Suddenly there was the sound of a door being creaked open and footsteps scuttling towards him, and he stilled. A dark figure stepped out of the darkness and the light shining through the bedroom window cast shadows on their features. It was a girl, with sunken cheeks and a dome of black hair, brown eyes glinting as another person looked over her shoulder from behind dressed in slacks and a royal blue shirt, blonde hair golden in the sunlight.

Rafal couldn't help the smirk that found its way upon his face as he studied the two Ever lovers whom he'd thought he'd killed for good. Was Sophie's father back too? He wouldn't be surprised if Stefan had indeed came back to life as well, but he was interrupted from his thoughts when a pale fist swing out to connect with his face. His head snapped to the side from the blow, but he wasn't fazed as he raised his icy blue eyes to meet the Princes, smirk still tugging on his lips.

"My, my little prince, that's no way to treat a powerful immortal sorcerer whom cams back to life and slain you and your beloved princess, now is it?" He purred, licking the blood off his lips. "Really Tedros, I would've thought death would improve your poor manners, but now I see even death cannot ruin the false king's ego."

Tedros bared his teeth in response, his hand curling into a fist as he raised his arm to strike again, but the black haired princess stepped forward, wrapping a hand around her prince's bicep to prevent any further violence.

"Remember we need to question him, and we can't do that if you end up beating him to death," she reminded him, gaze boring into Rafal as his smirk only widened.

The school master knew that the two Evers knew the only way to kill him was to destroy his ring, but Sophie still bore his ring. Now that they had married he knew she would never betray him to redeem herself by avenging her old friends deaths. She loved him more than she had once loved Tedros and Agatha, and that was a fact which was proven true when she'd allowed her friends to die without hesitation. And since the ring was the only thing connected to Rafal's very life source and Sophie—the one person whom could destroy it—was in love with him, than it was safe to say that he wasn't going to succumb to any terrible wounds the prince of Camelot might inflict upon him so Agatha must've forgotten of this huge piece of information. That or the princess was trying to hint to Tedros about something she didn't want Rafal to know.

"Whatever," Tedros huffed, But the fires still raged in his eyes as he glared in hatred at the bound School Master whom remained perfectly calm despite his situation. "But we need to question him now before I lose it on him, Agatha."

Rafal watched as Tedros reached for a chair in the corner of the room and scooted it forward with a foot. Glaring coldly at the School Master, the prince slowly sat down across from him while Agatha moved to her prince's side, arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sure you know why you're here," Tedros said, voice hard. His blue eyes flared as he locked gazes with Rafal still calm as a fiddle.

"If you only kidnapped me to get back at Sophie and I for, well...ya Know—killing you then I'd hate to tell you whatever you have planned for revenge isn't gonna work," Rafal responded, eyes boring into Tedros's soul. "Your old friend is now and forever mine and nothing you two can do can take away our happily Never After. But you can try if you'd like. That would rather much amuse me before I end up sending you back to your graves where you belong."

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