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Rafal felt victory at the mere fact that he'd accomplished what he'd hoped to for years since the Great War in which he'd killed his brother. He'd sought out the one person he knew was prophesied to tip the balance between good and evil once and for all, and found them at last residing in the reader world in the town of Gavaldon. He had watched the storian write her tale in his tower, and when she and her good friend Agatha had broken in, desperate to go back home, he'd known she'd been the one.

Sophie of woods beyond. So desperate to be good, but oh how evil she was. He'd waited for the moment to find her for so very long, but when he'd thought he'd had her he'd only lost her. Agatha had been far too good to let her witchy friend go so easily, but the school master was far too good to let his one true love get away from him too. But Agatha and her beloved prince had perished for putting their faith in Sophie whom had only ever wanted love. Rafal had given her that love, and the love they shared was unique and far greater then anything his dark heart could comprehend. It wasn't just love — it was evil's love, and he'd waited to feel such love for an eternity. And At last, he had it. At last his wildest dreams were coming true right before his very eyes as he held her in his arms, basking in the glow of a Never After he'd never thought he'd feel.

Sophie was his true love. Sophie was his queen and she was his soon to be bride. She was his one and only never after. His only Never After. He cared for her deeply.

She was beautiful, there was no denying that and she was powerful, just as he was youthful and immortal. She'd slain her own father just as he'd slain his own brother in the name of love. She'd killed her own blood to prove that evil could love, and evil could win if only it had something to fight for.

When Rafal had killed his brother in the Great War, he'd done so in order to take control of the storian, but that plan had backfired, so he'd resorted to seeking out the one weapon beyond the endless woods to make evil win once and for all. And he'd found Sophie, a reader in Gavaldon, and now she was his just as he was hers. Their love would last for an eternity, he was sure of it. They were going to get married, for Rafal had finally earned Sophie's full trust after she'd helped him destroy readers' faith in good, and he couldn't be any more enlightened about that. Evil was winning, and they had two strong leaders to follow. At last evil had a queen, and they were unstoppable.

"When's the wedding?" Sophie's silky voice murmured, snapping Rafal from his thoughts and he looked to find she had eaten her fill of cucumbers and was now twirling his ring around her finger as if she were mesmerized by it.

"Don't worry, my love," Rafal reassured her reaching out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear and she blushed, a primrose pink coloring her cheeks for a single instant. "It'll be soon. I was considering throwing the wedding sometime next week and no later, but we can make it sooner if you'd like."

He'd do anything to please his queen. He'd give her anything she desired and in return she'd love him more. They were immortal and powerful. Together they could accomplish anything with the love they shared with one another. He desired her more than he'd desired anyone else in his life. He'd loved her more then anyone else could.

Once upon a time Rafal had been alone after he killed his brother, Rhian. He'd tried to love his brother as much as he could, but Rhian had been good. Far good then Rafal ever could be and that had cost Rafal's hope of ever finding love again, for evil could not be but alone. But Sophie and him had proved that wrong. Evil could love, and Rafal was in love. Evil would last.

"I'm sure next week will be fine," Sophie simpered, studying the school master's smooth handsome face. "But will a week be enough to plan our entire wedding, and what about my dress? I can't possibly wear black to the wedding although I have grown fond of the color a bit. At the very least we can make sure to do cake testings, and — oh no! What are we going to do about invitations? If only Aggie were here to — "

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