Finding Happiness

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A lot of people say that if you tell yourself "I love my body, and I love who I am" every time you look into a mirror every day, that eventually it will become habit and you will eventually start believing it. I do honestly think this this method does work, but you have to stick with it EVERYDAY and not give up so easily. I know that I do have problems with doing this every time I see a mirror as well as doing it every day.

I always used to think that whenever I looked into a mirror all I could see were the flaws, but in reality, it was my brain going on auto-pilot because I had been telling myself for so long that I wasn't beautiful both inside and out. I not saying that you have to be over confident and make a scene every time you walk into a room that's NOT the kind of self-love that I am after, and I'm sure you aren't either. I am only after the part the part that makes me happy from day to day and lets me be who I am without trying to be someone I'm not.

For so long I've tried to be the person people said they wanted me to be. But now someone hammered a thought through my think, stubborn skull; I am beautiful when I am happy. If that's what being beautiful means for some shouldn't that be enough for each one of us? Shouldn't that be enough for me?

The answer is ALWAYS, Yes.

When one looks and radiates happiness it spreads like wildfire, and more people want to be with you and around you to share in that happiness. So why not take the chance on happiness? Why not reach out and grab it by the hand and drag it to you to enjoy for yourself? If you are able to say "today is a good day" then why not make it a great day but being happy with being alive, having friends to talk to, having family by your side, and for yourself. For being who you are without falter. Never give up on your dreams because those are the things that can bring some happiness to you, and don't give up on the people who are trying to pull you to the side of happiness. But most of all, NEVER give up on yourself because you are the only one who can truly find happiness in the little things in life. You can choose what you want to be. Why not choose happiness? Why not choose the side of life that can make a difference in more than just your own life? You can do it, all you have to do is take the leap and try! 

 Why not choose happiness? Why not choose the side of life that can make a difference in more than just your own life? You can do it, all you have to do is take the leap and try! 

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