Chapter 15: You okay?

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Cuphead's pov.

The illness is so much worse then before. He used to have bad pains in his chest now he can't even move. I'm scared and afraid he might die before I try to commit to him. Yes I love Bendy and would marry him but he's too hurt and sick.... I might not be able to say goodbye. I picked Bendy up again and made a full on sprint. Bendy was closing his eyes and I thought he was dying but it turns out that he just fell asleep. I gave a happy sigh. We really need to stop teasing death.... I finally reached the house and saw BEN and Jeff. I ran and put Bendy on his soft, white bed in his room and Jeff came in with BEN. "What's up with him?" Jeff asked not really caring. "Cuphead tell me he's alright!? I don't want to lose a  friend..." BEN told me. "He's fine... just tired and protected me from dying is all...." I partially lied. Truth is Bendy did protect me and he was tired but he was also on the brink of death. I gave Jeff a look that says 'I need a minute' and he dragged BEN out the room..... literally..... I sighed and sat next to Bendy. "The things I'd do to make you survive..." I mumbled and felt a hand on mine. I looked at the bed to see Bendy trying to sit up. He slowly sat up with my help. "Cup I won't be able to last much longer" Bendy sighed looking at me. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. "You'll be fine. Just hang on..." I comferted Bendy and I called a doctor. The doctor arrived rather quickly. The doctor gave Bendy a check up and sighed. "Is he okay!?" I asked.  "No.... he may die in a month or two...." The doctor told me and I fell to my knees crying. He put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a sorry look. He left as quickly as he came. Ben ran in with tears coming down his face. "W-we heard the news.... we're going home... I so sorry for you're loss..." Ben told me and left with Jeff. "Am I really going to die?" Bendy asked and I held his hand. "Yes you're going to die...." I cried and he kissed me but I didn't kiss back. "Cup I'll be fine... don't worry......" Bendy told me smiling. I let go of him and ran out leaving him there...

Bendy's pov.

Cuphead ran out and I started crying. Am I really gonna die? I was crying and soon it became dark outside. I was still crying but no tears were left. "I'm useless, a waste of space, I'm gonna die anyway..... so what's the point of living...?" I got up because I was finally able to move. I slowly and quietly walked to the kitchen and saw Cuphead cuddling my brother. He didn't even love me.... it was all an act. I looked and found a piece of paper and started to write a note.

Dear whoever comes across this note,

I have decided that it was my time to leave. I'm just dead weight and a burden to my family and friends. I had 2 ex's and a boyfriend. I wanted to kill myself but I stoped when I thought about him, Cuphead, my old boyfriend. I looked at Cuphead and found him cuddling my brother Boris. This is the last time you'll ever here from me. And Cuphead......



I was super upset and I really hope Cuphead goes to hell like he deserves. I walk to the knife block and pull out the biggest knife. I'm sorry Cuphead.... "No BENDY!!!" Someone screamed but it was too late. I plunged the knife into my heart and fell to the ground while bleeding. "NO NO NO! BENDY" someone ran over to me. I didn't know who it was but I'm not in pain any more.... and with that I closed my eye's one final time....

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