Chapter XIII: Attack on Oro

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what today is dear Roku?" Crito asks her as soon as she walks into the kitchen.

"The sixth day?" Roku replies rather confused.

"No. It is the tenth anniversary of your arrival here," Crito laughs, "When you're here, every day is the sixth day."


Roku is out near the pond, training against a practice dummy. Crito walks out to join her. In his hand, he holds a pot of freshly brewed tea. He sits down in the grass and pours two cups for them. A big smile spreads across Roku's face as she sits down in front of him.

"Master Crito?" She asks after taking a sip of tea.

"Yes Roku?" Crito smiles at her.

"Why did you choose to live the life of a hermit?"

"The world is suffering because of this war. I segregated myself away from all of that. Many people have come to me seeking my guidance, wisdom and knowledge of Wind. Every student before you was trained right here. Just as you are today."

"How come they never visit you?"

"Once their training was completed, there was no reason for them to stay."

"Do you miss them?"

"Of course I do. They are my living legacy."

"Is that what I am too Master Crito?"

"In a way, I suppose you are. All my students are. But you are so much more to me than that. You are like the daughter I never had."

"Awe Crito! You've been like my father since I got here.... what was it? Nearly fifteen years ago now?"


A faint whisper can be heard, ringing in Roku's ears. She looks around confused, no one is in sight. Crito is still sleeping. His snoring can be heard all the way outside. This whisper can be heard over the snores. It almost seems like it is being carried by the winds themselves. Listening closer, the whispers sound more like hundreds of cries and screaming. Roku covers her ears and makes a small dirt devil appear around her. She doesn't want to hear this any longer. It reminds her of her life before Crito found her. Crito walks out and sees Roku. He runs over to her and holds her close. The winds die down around them.

"I know.... it's not easy to hear," Crito says in a soothing voice, "I'm surprised you can hear any of that. It took me nearly thirty years before I could hear what's being carried by the wind."

"I don't blame you for hiding out here. It's easier to hide from it all when you're so far away," Roku cries, "I don't ever want to leave this place."

"You will eventually my child. The world will start calling for you one day. You will even know love."

"I do know what love is. I love you Master Crito."

"In time you will know what I really mean. Now come on. It's time to enjoy the sixth day."

"You said that yesterday."

"As I said before a few years ago, every day with you is like the sixth day."


Roku is in her room, packing up her things. She about to leave with someone claiming to be the Great Master Leon. Thoughts of distrust are eradicated when her master appeared to know the man. In all the years she spent here, this was the first person to ever visit. He hasn't been seen for a thousand years, and yet he knows Crito, who is only over a century in age.

Deciding to drop it and just put full confidence in her master, she continues to pack up her clothes. Next, she straightens out her room, knowing Crito would like it to be tidy before she leaves. A sense of nervousness strikes her. This will be the first time in two decades that she will leave this mountain top and be without Crito. Sorrow strikes her heart, but is reminded how deeply Crito cares for her. He is her only family.

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