Chapter 1

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River's POV-

I raise an eyebrow at the pink-haired girl in front of me

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I raise an eyebrow at the pink-haired girl in front of me. A party? Is she actually serious?

"No," I reply to Flora's absurd question. She immediately groans and then grabs my arm.

"River I know you don't like them but we have to go to this, please!" I glare at Flora and take her hand off of my arm.

"I don't like going to parties, Flora," I say to her, wishing she would just let it go, but knowing her, she won't unless she gets her way.

"But River, if we don't do this it will be detrimental to us! I mean THIS is like the biggest Halloween party in town! If we don't go, we'll be like outcasts! Please, River I'm begging you!" She cries as if she's in some theatrical performance.

Flora is quite definitely the most annoying pain I've ever had to deal with. That's saying a lot considering how long I've been alive. Why do I keep her around? She can be...entertaining.

I look up to see Flora is still standing there staring at me with puppy dog eyes and she has, once again, got a firm grip on my arm. If I say I'll go, she'll be on my back about it and make sure I keep my word, if I say I won't go, she'll just nag me even more and I still must go to this stupid party.

I sigh and turn back around to Flora. I don't want to go, but Flora will not let up and I don't feel like hearing her whine all day. "Who's hosting the party, Flora?" She looks as if she's trying to conjure up tears in her eyes before she hears those words. Her features suddenly mold into a huge smile.

"Jared Ryland," Flora says nonchalantly. I slightly scrunch my face in disgust at that name, but quickly return to my cool facade.

"I'll go Flora, but I'm not going to anything else you try to force me into this year. Do you understand?"

She nods her head quickly and wraps her arms around me. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuu!!" She quickly grabs her bag and runs out of my room. Before I leave the room, I check to make sure I have a few essential things in case I'm caught in certain situations.

For 12 years I've had to be on the run just to be sure I don't get locked up in this prison realm by two people who go by the names of Michael and Damien. Michael and Damien, the knockoff version of the future group of Heroibrus. 4 years ago all signs of them still looking just vanished. So, Kai, Haze, and I have been able to stay in this one place for those 4 years. I've also been on the lookout to make sure I stay off the radar of my wretched mother. Not that she deserves that name.

As I'm packing my things away, I can hear footsteps getting louder indicating that someone is heading in my direction, but I already know who it is so I pay no mind to it.

The footsteps finally stopped and instead are replaced by a familiar voice. "Do we really need to wait here for you so long just to give you a ride to school? I mean technically you could probably just poof yourself there and-"

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