This is goodbye

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Since the rescue mission in the caves nothing has been right. Everything is falling apart before my eyes and there is nothing I can do about it. It was my fault that Dimitri got turned. I forced everyone to go on that stupid rescue mission and now I lost Dimitri forever and I can't get over it. In a few days I would be 18 and I had been thinking about the time when me and Dimitri both agreed we would rather die than be stirgoi. I have to go after him and free his soul but I didn't want to leave Lissa. This was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. I go to my room which is where I've been spending most of my time alone when Lissa wasn't trying to get me to leave. I plopped down onto my bed and close my eyes and quickly fall asleep.

I woke to a sudden noise and jumped out of bed looking around. Someone's knocking at the door.
"Rose are you still up?" Lissa asks.
"Yes, just give me a second I will be right there." I answer her trying to control the startled feeling I open the door.
"Hey" she says.
"Hi, you can come in if you want," I say.
"No I need you to follow me I have to show you something," she says.
"Ok let me grab a jacket and my shoes," I say. I go to my jacket that was dropped onto the floor next to my shoes and quickly put them on and rush out the door and walk out of my dorm with Lissa.
" So where are we going?" I ask.
" To the woods," she says.
When we get there I'm greeted with Eddie, Christian, and Adrian. Adrian is sitting on the ground next to a beautiful potted plant and he's just staring at it with a look of shock. Christians leaning against a tree with the same astonished look while Eddie is alert looking for any threats. I glance at Lissa and she's s just smiling smugly at me.
"Adrian I'm so proud of you," I screech.
He looks up and smiles at me.
"I can't believe I did it," he said.
We sit and talk for awhile before we decided it was best we all get to our rooms and get some sleep.

Few days later...
I am officially 18 and I decided that today I would drop out and find Dimitri but first I needed a favor. I went to Adrian. I needed some money and he was the only person I could trust that wouldn't try to talk me out of it. And he set up an account for me. Then I went to Kriova and told her that I was dropping out she of course tried to stop me and told me I should wait to talk to my mom but in the end signed the papers and I left.

Near the gates Lissa stoped me. I could tell she was angry.
"Is it true that you're leaving."
"How come you didn't tell me?" I saw the hurt in her eyes.
"I don't know. I guess I thought you wouldn't understand." I said
I meet her eyes and she said "Don't leave me."
She seemed so reasonable that I almost did stay but realized what was going on and shook off the compulsion.
"Did you just try to compel me," I half yelled.
She looked away. I tried to turn my back and continue to walk away but she grabbed my arm turning me back around.
"Why are you being so selfish!" she yelled at me.
"I'm not I'm just trying to look out for myself for once instead of someone else. Im tired of putting my life above yours and always worrying about your problems while you rarely ever care about mine. I'm just tired of being here and all the reminders this place has. I just got to leave for a little bit."
My cheek starts to sting where she hit me.
"I never want to see you around me again if you turn your back on me now I hope something bad happens to you out there. You will no longer mean anything to me." I knew she was just saying this because she was hurt but it still stung.
"I'm sorry," I said as I turned again and walked away with another part of my already broken heart breaking even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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