"I don't know, just accept me the way I am!" I yelled back.

"Then go do what you want." She silently said as she got out of my room. Finally bitch.

I have sold drugs on the street, but I don't do that shit anymore, it's dangerous and that's why I completely stay away from drugs and the people who do drugs.

Just sometimes I smoke cigarettes, but only when someone offers me.

I admired my tattoos. I have my both arms full tattooed, and to be honest I don't even regret any of them.

I also have a industrial piercing and a lip piercing, in the middle of my bottom lip, and a belly piercing.

I went downstairs to see my mother on the couch with a bottle of water in her hands taking a pill.

I just took a cup from a counter and filled it with water. I drank it all and went back upstairs.

I did my usual night routine. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. After that I wore my pajamas and laid in my bed.

As always, Jahseh was in my mind.


I woke up feeling great, I wasn't sleepy at all. I got up and brushed my teeth. I pulled my hair in a bun and went into my closet.

I took a green Prague hoodie, black jeans with a cut on the knees and a pair of black vans.

I pulled on the clothes I chose. After that I grabbed my phone and my backpack and went downstairs.

"Come on. I'll be late." I told my mom. She left her coffee on the table and we hurried to the car.

The whole ride was silent, and to be honest I was glad because I didn't even want to argue with her.

I got out of the car and immediately heard people badmouthing me. I just ignored it and went to my class.

I sat down and pulled my books out along with my pencil.

After a few moments the Geography teacher came in.

"Good morning class! How's everyone on this beautiful day?" She asked and the whole class groaned.

Some were chewing gum, some were sleeping and some were laying with their legs on the table, like me.

"Today we will be learning more about Poland." I stopped listening.

I pulled down my legs and put my hands on the desk and laid on them.

Just then I heard a knock, the door opened revealing Laurie.

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't wake me up." Laurie said. The teacher nodded and Laurie came and sat next to me.

"Hey. Want to get our nails done today?" I whispered to Laurie.

"Nah, my momma yelled at me when I came home. I ain't tryna get grounded, a whole month without my phone, a fucking nightmare." She whispered back.

"Well damn. You need to start taking some risks. I mean you're 16, you're not 10."

"Nah. I'm good." She said. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my sleep. I guess I'll go get my nails done alone.


Nataly's piercings:
1. Industrial piercing

 Industrial piercing

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2. Lip piercing

 Lip piercing

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3. Belly button piercing

 Belly button piercing

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