[CLOSED] 8 April 2018 - #JustWriteDay #AdrenalineRush

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justwriteit  teamed up with the action profile to bring you this exciting #JustWriteDay prompt.

Get our hearts racing, our adrenaline pumping, and the excitement building as you plunge us smack into the action!

For this flash fiction challenge, you are supposed to write a short story to this two-word prompt:

***** Adrenalin Rush *****

We are aware this allows a lot of creative freedom, however, a few rules apply:

As the #JustWriteDay challenge is a collaboration between justwriteit and action, your story must qualify as action.

Your short story must be in English.

The maximum length is 500 words.

You have exactly 24 hours to complete your masterpiece, from the moment it is posted on @justwriteit (8th of April to the 9th of April, 2018)

Publish your story on your own profile, either as a new story or as a new chapter in an existing anthology. We can't accept prewritten or multi-chapter stories.

Please consult the guidelines in the introductory page for more FAQ on justwriteit

You may enter this contest from either the action or the justwriteit profile.

The best entries of this challenge will be featured in the #JustWriteDay anthology on the justwriteit profile. The featured authors will receive a sticker and a shout out from both the action and the justwriteit profiles.

To submit your story fill out this SUBMISSION FORM.

You are welcome to share your story with others in the comments, but only submissions via the ^^ linked form will be considered.

And now, start writing, time is running!

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