[CLOSED] The 6-Pack Challenge - Round 6: Freeforall

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An apology from us to you!


Ladies & Gentlemen, contestants and, well...

Our sincerest apologies for the brief hiatus the 6-Pack Challenge has suffered. This is what happens when people take on far more than they should and things such as deadlines and due dates get missed.

Those of us running the action profile have been discussing how best to serve you guys with regard to this challenge and have reached the conclusion that as, from the beginning, it's not been as popular as we hoped it would be (which is definitely our fault) that it would be better served as a sort of, personal challenge, as opposed to any kind of contest.

That being said, a fair number of you have put a great deal of work into this shindig thus far and we certainly don't want you to feel it's been for nought which is why, upon completion of the 6-Pack Challenge prizes will be handed out including stickers, reading list adds and a place in our current (or a future, content dependent) anthology.

We hope this goes some way towards keeping you waiting and changing the goalposts in such a manner!

- Your Friends on the action profile


Those of you who've made it this far and have written for each and every round of our 6-Pack Challenge thus far, think of this as a reward for all of your hard work and sterling efforts and those of you who might have missed a round or two, well you should think of this as a reward simply for being awesome and taking part!

It's the final part of our 6-Pack Challenge though, and that means you get to write about anything that you like. It really can deal with any subject matter you can think of and providing it's as action-packed as we know it can be then you're gonna' get two thumbs up from us!

 It really can deal with any subject matter you can think of and providing it's as action-packed as we know it can be then you're gonna' get two thumbs up from us!

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Entries cannot be any longer than 500 words in length. Shorter is fine, but no longer.

Entries must be written in English. Unfortunately we have no other language capabilities.

Entries must be original, entirely your own work and not something written prior to this contest.

Whilst an amount of leeway will be given, entries should be PG-13 and therefore suitable for all readers.

Ensure to post a link to each round's entry in the comment section of the relevant page. That way everyone can easily find your work and we can really spread the word!

Do try to read the work of, and offer support to, your fellow competitors.

Once complete, submit your entry via this submission form.

Submissions close 6 Oct '17.

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