C H A P T E R | 3

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"Okay, okay... I get it..." I smiled, red flushing up to my cheeks.

"When you find your mate, you must tell me right away."

"Yep," I mumbled, stuffing more food into my mouth.

"Okay, thank you." He grinned, then leaned back on the couch, setting his feet on the coffee table. "Don't you have chores to do?"

"No. I did them earlier," I sighed.

"Okay. Go do 100 push-ups right-"



"Why?" I laughed as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the floor.

"Because you have nothing else to do." He smiled, pushing the coffee table away.


After a week, Grayson came back home and the bond with me and Zaryn only grew stronger. I never missed a day without seeing him. Gray keeps pushing me to tell mom, but I have to wait when the time is right, I can't put too much pressure on a pregnant lady.

Walking downstairs, I saw Grayson standing in the kitchen, hugging my mom. "Hey guys," I smiled, but soon lost it as I noticed mom. Blood. Blood trickling down her belly... "W-what?" I mumbled, running up and hugging her too.

"Don't go to your room, Rora. Someone's in the house." Gray whispered.

Oh, my God... What's going on? I felt my eyes prickle with tears and my mind rushed around. "Where's dad?" I asked,

"H-he's at a meeting. We can't get to his mind-link." Mom whispered. "Gray, go get your brothers, you're stronger than us. Please be safe, honey." She murmured, holding the wound on her belly.

"Okay." He ran off quietly, so I was left alone with mom.

"I-is the baby..."

"I don't know... I-I think we need to wait for dad-"

"We can't." I cried, then took my mom's hand. "Just sit down," I sighed, holding her back.

'Daddy! Someone hurt mom!'

I tensed up as I heard footprints behind me, "Bye-bye." I turned around. Zaryn?


"Mom!" I screamed as I sat up, sweat drenching my body. What the Hell just happened?

I heard loud footsteps run into my room, but I couldn't see. Big hands held my small ones and a sense of comfort rippled through me. "It's okay, Princess. Open your eyes." Dad.

Slowly, light blinded me, but mom and dad were right beside me. "What happened?" I asked, wiping tears away.

"You just had a bad dream." My mom whispered as she laid in bed with me. "Go to sleep,"

And so I did.

Zaryn's POV

I woke up, arms tied up behind my back. Seeing my mate has made me feel so free from this Hell, but she hasn't come down in a few days. I miss her. She makes me feel loved and happy.

I gasped as two guards came into my cell, then uncuffed me. "You're free to walk around your cell and we'll get someone to come and shave your hair. Prince's order." The stated gruffly, and immediately leaving my cell and locking it back up. I grinned, then placed my arms on my lap.

I stood up, legs wobbling as I took a shaky step. I haven't walked in weeks... Nonetheless, move my arms. I... It was so weird.

I felt my heart stop as Aurora walked to my cell, holding a buzz cutter. MATE!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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