1//E N C O U N T E R

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"It is you, it has always been you." I could hear the words but everything around me made so much noise that I could not make sense of it. I could not make sense of any of it. That's when I realized it was at this moment that I truly...

18 months ago (½ years)

My black high heels makes a clicking sound as I walk down the long hallway. The double doors  opened before I could even stop. There he was, standing tall in all his glory.His back turned towards me. He looked as if he had hit the gym hard ever since I last sow him. He was annoying well put together. I guess all those stories of the bullied nerd walking over her enemies was all a lie. I have never been so infuriated in my whole life than I am right now. How could he, what is the matter with him? He really could not leave me alone for just once. How much damage does he want to cause in a single life time, and why my life why not other people. I bet I was all shades of red now, who would not be. Seeing you childhood bully is one thing but him bullying you yet again is a completely different thing. Actually this was not bulling anymore, this was total harassment  "While if it isn't my dear old friend Kenze" old friend? He best not make me laugh. "You where anything but my friend"

He turns around from his floor to ceiling windows. "Now Kenze do not be like that, you are hurting my feelings" My arm automatically goes on my wrist "Screw you and your feelings" He looked shocked that I was going head to head with him. What! Did he honestly think I would stay as that stupid naive girl he used to push around every witch way. He finally starts walking towards me, almost as a reflex my legs move backwards. He looked modified as if he was not expecting such. "I will not hurt you Kenze" he says as his hand hovers over my cheek, not quite touching me, but yet I could feel his heat, almost as if he was burning me.

"A lot of scares on my body could say otherwise" He waves at the guys who practically kidnapped me to leave the room. I guess he did not want his perfect image to be ruined by his evil past. "I honestly will not hurt you, after all I was the one who saved your life" flashbacks of that day, came back flooding in like the heaven gates had opened. I had done so much to bury the memories from that time, from that old me, and yet he was able to tap into my inner most hurt without even trying.

I back away from him again. "I would have never needed saving if it was not because of you. Everything that happened to me was a chain reaction of what you had done. So you want me to believe that you will not hurt me, yet you are the one that hurt me the most" I back away him again only for my back to hit the wall. "I'm truly sorr-" before he could say anything, my palm met with his cheeks. He looked shocked that I had done this, that anyone had done this.

"Save your sarees, it's worthless to me. I need to go" he slowly backs away from me, that I finally had room to not feel his radiation. "You may leav-" before he could finish his sentence I was already out the door. To my far left the was the woman from before, she was busy with papers now and the to my far right, the exit, the elevator. Without thinking twice I got moving towards the elevator ready to leave this place.

When I finally got out the building, I let out a breath I did not even know I was holding. I looked up at the skyscraper, wanting to forget what had happen in the last few minutes. I finally call for a cab and get in, telling the cab driver my destination. The ride was long and after about an hour or so the driver drops me off, I pay him his money and get in the cemetery. I never really liked the cemetery or anything like it. It brings back old memories.

"Hey old man"

I place the flowers I had gotten in the front of the gates. His grave looked unkempt. Well that what he get for having a disappointing son. Now I had to visit him, it was my first time visiting him since he passed two years ago from a "natural death". So the doctors said, that lucky bastard, my grandfather was the least person I hated in my whole family. He told everyone where to get off and he never put up an act. If he didn't like you, he did't like you, end of story. my grandmother was the caring one, she is the one that held everything together, she was the glue of that house. So when she passed on, everything and I mean everything fell apart. My fathers business went under, my own mother abandoned me, my father became a drunk and dead and I'm 80% sure that some lady is going to walk right up to me a demand for child support for my fathers hoeing around. I looked to my right and sow my fathers grave, that evil man, my his soul rest in peace. I guess I was really 

After same time I looked back up and got out of the cemetery. The fact that I knew my way back to that house made me feel uncomfortable. I looked around the neighborhood, still looked the same. Oh how I hate this pace. I quickly got in the now empty house. before for grandfather moved to the old age home that he swore he would never go to, he packed up everything and sold everything in the house and sent me the money. Saying that he knew I would never live in that house again. Well he was right because I would rather live under a bridge then to ever stay in this house, I did not even what to stay the night here. I sold the house just before I moved back here and the new owns where coming in today. For some reason they wanted the old owner to be here then they moved in. 

Very odd those people


L I K E 

C O M M E N T 

S H A R E 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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