Chapter Eleven: The Truth

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After the police took away the still dizzy Matthieu and finished their questioning of Thomas, he began to clean the office and pack. Thomas had assumed his visitation to the Sutton estate was more than a mere check-up, but a termination of his practise, that was the luckiest he could hope for.

For Cora, the carriage ride was silent. There were no words spoken until they reached the door of Benjamin's mansion. "You should go rest," Benjamin told Cora. "And maybe have yourself a warm bath, I'm sure you've had quite a day and need it."

Cora remained silent and nodded her head. As she started up the stairs she heard Benjamin's voice again and stopped. "I'm glad you're safe Cora, I was very worried." She turned to look at him, for the first time she saw what seemed like sadness in his face. She smiled and thanked him then continued to her room.

Alice prepared her a bath and got her some clean clothes. Sitting in the hot water Cora hugged her knees and stared blankly across the room. Seeing how her kidnapping had really affected Benjamin created a sinking guilt feeling in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't deny that she had grown to truly care for him, but not in the way she did for Thomas. There was no romance in their love, but she couldn't imagine ever intentionally causing him pain, but now that her and Thomas had been caught she knew her intentions mattered not anymore.

After getting into her night gown she lied on her bed. Cora did not bother to get under the covers for she knew she would not be able to get any sleep. As she laid there staring at the wall of her bedroom she heard a light knock on the door. "Come in," Cora called out as she sat up in her bed.

Alice opened the door and bowed to Cora. "Benjamin would like you to meet him in the parlor, the doctor has come make sure you are alright."

Cora gave Alice a sympathetic smile, "Thank you Alice," she knew there was no avoiding what had to come. She put on a robe and some slippers and slowly heading to the parlor.

In the parlor Thomas sat nervous and silent on the couch while Benjamin stared at him from a chair. "I must say," Benjamin started to say. "I appreciate you not apologizing to me as if you felt sorry for me, but I can tell the regret is eating you inside." Benjamin couldn't hold his serious expression much longer and started to laugh. Thomas's eyes shot up to look Benjamin in the face to see the old man laughing at him, his confusion only grew stronger. "You really think I didn't know about you and Cora?"

Benjamin walked over to a table with glasses and whisky in a crystal bottle. He poured two glasses and walked one over to Thomas offering him a drink. Thomas took the drink and quickly downed it to calm his nerves. "I don't understand," Thomas finally managed to say.

"Thomas my boy, look at me. My time for Romance has long since pasted. If I truly wanted a wife to create an ere with, I would have married years ago." He sat down beside Thomas and took a large sit of his whisky before continuing. "I was in-love once, that was a long time ago and we were forced apart. When I saw you and Cora dancing, I saw that look in your eyes and knew that at least, after all the things I've done in this life, I did something right." He took another drink, "What do I care anyway, I gave up on getting into heaven ages ago." Benjamin laughed again.

Thomas was dumbfounded, "So all this time," he said. "You knew we were seeing each other and you didn't say anything?"

"Of course not!" Benjamin exclaimed, "Do you know what it would do to my reputation if you two didn't keep it secret?"

Just then, Cora entered the room. She entered looking at the floor and then was shocked to see Benjamin and Thomas drinking and, laughing? "What's going on?" she blurted out, all this time and she still could not get a hang of the manners and subtly it took to be a lady. "Why are you laughing?"

"He knows Cora," Thomas said as he got himself another drink.

"I know that!" She said impatiently.

"I mean he's always known, he's ok with it." Thomas stopped beside Cora with his full glass in his hand. Cora was still confused, she looked at Thomas, then Benjamin and back at Thomas. She took the drink out of Thomas's hand and shot back a gulp then handed it back to Thomas.

Benjamin laughed some more then gathered himself enough to explain. "Don't get me wrong dear, we're still getting married and this cannot become public knowledge." He gestured for Thomas and Cora to have a seat while he explained. "I am old, too old for children and too old for the patients that's required in being a lord in this ridiculous country. I need someone to inherit my fortune when I die. When I saw you stuck in the life were no man viewed you as a woman worthy to marry on that farm, I knew you were perfect. I wanted to provide you with a fresh start, a new life."

Cora looked down at her lap to take in everything that was just said to her. She took a deep breath, "I thank you for your intentions, and if it were not for you I never would have met Thomas." She looked up with anger in her face. "But it would have been nice to have been informed this from the beginning instead of feeling like a prisoner being taken away from my family!" She quickly stood up and walked over to the table for another drink.

Benjamin laughed, "You certainly are a unique woman Cora. If you can put your emotions aside how ever, you were the victim of a kidnapping and there is a doctor here to make sure you are not injured or harmed in any way." He stood up, suddenly serious again. "I will leave you two for now, the police will want to speak with you in the morning, try to keep this meeting strictly professional tonight." With that Benjamin left the parlor. 

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