Chapter 12: Pieces

Start from the beginning

"So where do you want me to start?"

I was a bit surprised & just gave her a puzzled look by raising one of my eyebrows.

"In helping you. Where do you want me to start?" that was what she meant....

"I think it's impossible to not know who you are. But I figured that since you're a ghost, or at least that's what you told me, I presume that perhaps you had forgotten some things about yourself in the past"

BINGO! She really is smart. I'm not really that smart & quite low in picking up stuffs so in the moment, I'm quite relieved I found someone like her to help me.

"Wait, don't tell me you still aren't buying my 'I'm a ghost' statement I said to you a while ago" - I say to her in a serious tone.

She just gave a shrug. Seriously I thought she was smart, or maybe she doesn't believe that ghosts exist.

I just let out a huge sigh, but what she did next surprised me. In fact I was totally not expecting it. She reached out her hand to touch my hair. Well she did kinda fixed it. Then she poke my right cheek & pulled her hand back to her lap.

"Well you seem kinda real to me. You sure you're a ghost?"

I just gave her the 'Are You Kidding Me' look & she seemed to actually buy it.

"So why did you lead me here in this old room" – She then asked me.

"This was where I woke up for the first time"

"First time?"

"Well I have no idea if I slept in the first place but in this room was where I first realized that I had no idea who I was & what I was doing here at that time"

"Okay, continue" – She gave me a reassuring smile that she'd listen to every word I will say & I actually felt quite happy that someone was willing to hear me out. So I continued to narrate her the few pieces of memory that I was sure was what really happened to me.

"I just opened my eyes and I was lying down here. Back then this was still a clean & polished room. Those three cabinets were originally here when I woke up. I slowly sat up & viewed this room. There was this 2 big cabinets on the right and another big cabinet on the left. The cabinet on the left was the biggest & beside it was a grandfather clock. And it was still working at that time." – I paused just to check if she was still listening to me. To my surprise she seemed to be attentively listening to every word I'm saying, so I continued.

"I slowly stood up and walked towards the grandfather clock like you did a few seconds ago. I saw my reflection & I had a few scratches all over me. I also saw that I was wearing a backpack so I took it in front of me. Beside the huge cabinet was a smaller cabinet & I decided to place my backpack there. I couldn't decipher what I was doing in this room & how I ended up here. It's like I had an amnesia. I opened my backpack & the first think I saw was my teddy bear. I held it out in my hands & a few memories flashed in my head"

"What memories?"

"Memories of my 6th birthday. When my mother gave me this bear. Then I remembered her giving me a necklace when I was about to enter Eldridge Spring High." "I really had no clue about all the flashbacks that I saw. And they all came rushing in my mind that I barely had enough time to decipher every memory."

"That must've hurt" – she said with a worried look.

"Hell, yeah it did" – I replied. "After the sudden flashback of memories my head suddenly ached a lot. And the pain became extremely unbearable until I couldn't handle it anymore... and I think I passed out cause when I opened my eyes it was already dark and I realized that it was already night time."

I heard yet another sigh coming from her.

"Well this is gonna be quite hard. I mean you barely knew anything about your past"

"I know this is too much to ask, but I really don't know what else to do. "

We both sighed in unison. After that, an awkward silence filled the room. We both had no idea where to start collecting the pieces of my past. I was slowly starting to regret bringing her here when she finally stood up of her chair.

"Okay, then take me to all the places that you've been"

"What??" – that was the only thing I could say after her sudden statement.

"Take me to all the places you've been around this school. You've been here for ages, I'm sure you weren't just sitting here the whole time after realizing you were a ghost"

Well she does have a point there...haha...

"And don't just walk me along those places, tell me about some of the happenings or memories that you are able to remember as we revisit those places. I mean this place is huge, I'm sure there'll be some stuffs that could help trigger your memories."

"Wow, gee...well uhmm... thanks. I really don't know what to say."

This is actually the 1st time someone was so eager to help me. And I had no idea what to do or what to say or how to even react.

"Well... a little thank you is enough for me. But I have to continue helping you tomorrow. Cause as you can see in the window, the sun is almost down. And I have to go home or else my sister is gonna kill me."

"Oh.... Well sure no prob. Let me walk with you back towards the school hall"

"Thanks. That's really nice of you."

"Well you are technically the 1st ever human being to actually help me so I think it's only proper that I treat you nicely"

"You're quite sarcastic, aren't you?" – She let out a small laugh while speaking.

"Sarcastic but handsome. Yes I am quite both of those words as you may say."

She laughed angelically at my small joke and we continuously exchanged conversations as we reached the end of the school hallway. I feel a bit saddened as I felt as if we were only together for a short while. And I really enjoyed our small talks and I could tell that she was quite interested also.

"I should go to my sister's office. She's probably worried by now. All the students seem to have gotten home already"

"Yeah you should. Have a safe flight then"

I heard her angelic laugh once again before she took a step away from me.

"I'll see you tomorrow back at the rooftop again okay?" – She said to me as she continuously took more steps further away from me.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." – these were the only words I can mutter as she slowly walked away out of my sight.

I stood there like a stupid fool for what felt like hours. Her silhouette had been long gone and her laugh no longer echoed through the halls yet I still stood there re-imagining the short goodbyes we had to each other. I mean I knew that we'd see each other again tomorrow but I couldn't help but feel.... I don't know. I think I... what should say.... I think I miss her??


A/N: Yo yo yo~ I'm back!! 

Sorry for the overly loooooong hiatus xD but now I am back. I wasn't able to update this story due to my depression. But now .... I'm kinda okay so, you can expect that Imma update this story more. But first I want to say that I am not 100% sure that I'll be able to update every week cause I'm still actually fighting my anxieties... But I promise that I will try my very best!!

Also thank you so much to all of my new readers! Tnx so much for adding this story to your reading lists. And I will try my best to write better chapters :) :)

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