It Gets Hard Sometimes

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My two months are over tomorrow, I would be excited to go home to Audrey but I heard she was with some dude at her house, and was in nothing but her robe, the day I left and she was moaning when we were on facetime that same night. I don't want to believe it but I think she is cheating on me. I was packing because we leave tomorrow at 4AM and it's already 11PM so I was packing quickly. I heard my phone make that noise when I have a text message and it was a message from Audrey I heard that possible rumor 2 weeks ago, I have just been ignoring all her calls and messages and just replying to when my mom and sister texts.

I finished packing and laid down for the last couple hours I still had here. I was thinking about how much I changed, in these last couple months and I dozed off for what seemed like a 5 minutes. Until my trainer came in the room turning on all the nights yelling saying it was time to go home. I grabbed my suitcase and was first out the door on the way to the airport.

After our long 4 hour flight back, I got off and the sun was shining in the sky. My mom and sister was outside the airport waiting for me, Audrey would be here but I never told her when my flight was. My mom hugged me tight, then my sister did the same. We loaded in the car and drove to my mom house, my little nephew who looked up to me was sitting on the couch with his hands in his lap looking at the floor.

When I walked in his face lit up with the biggest smile, making me smile. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey man i missed you a lot" I told him, he cheesed harder showing where he lost his tooth.

"I missed you too! Look I lost a tooth and I turned 4 too" he exclaimed, showing me his teeth.

"I see you getting old man" I joked, and he started laughing.

"Donny come eat breakfast" my mom called to him, he ran out the front room and into the dining room.

I heard my sister come back into the house, she tossed me my car keys and went into the dining room with my mom. I followed behind her smelling the pancakes and sausages.

"Hey ma, i'm about to go" I told my mom, she frowned.

"You not hungry" she asked, I shook my head no gave her a kiss on the cheek, pinched my sister and high fived my nephew. I got in my car and drove home, when I opened the door I expected Audrey to be here but its the exact same way I lefted it. I went upstairs and took a LONG hot shower, I dried off and got dressed to go over Audrey's house and deal with this.

I drove over to her house luckily she was there I rang the doorbell, I heard her singing and then the door opened.

"CHRIS!!!!" she jumped into my arms, even though I don't feel right, I still hugged her tight I missed her a lot. She grabbed my hand walking inside the house, we walked into the kitchen and she sat in the counter.

"I missed you, so much you don't understand" she exclaimed, smiling

"I know I missed you too" I smiled. I heard the oven beep and she hopped off the counter grabbing an oven mit. Taking a long pan out of the oven filled with chocolate chip cookies. She told me she doesn't like chocolate.

"i thought you hated chocolate" I said.

"I did, i just like it now." she responded. I just shrugged my shoulders and went in the front room, and started watching tv. She came in minutes later with a plate of cookies and a glass of pink milk.She was just smiling and eating cookies. What the hell is wrong with her?

"why are you smiling so much?" I asked.

"I'm just really happy" she said still smiling, I still don't understand why but I just kept watching tv. Her phone started ringing she grabbed it lefted the room. I don't want to make any assumptions but why the hell is she so happy making cookies at 1 in the afternoon, since when did she leave the room to talk on the phone, she is smiling too hard for her to just be happy, she is with a another dude!

It's Time For A Change { Chris Brown } EditingWhere stories live. Discover now