Chapter 1

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"Hello and welcome to Starbucks. What can we get started for you today?" a spunky male barista asks.

"A venti chai latte at 175 degrees with two pumps of mocha, no foam," she says with a grin.

In his mind he thinks, Oh god, you're one of those people. But aloud he says, "Sure thing. And a name for the cup?"

"Grace." Grace is a 32-year-old, quiet, successful business woman. She stands about five and a half feet tall with a beautiful model figure of a body; a body which she hides under the clothes of one who looks like a nerdy librarian. Her hair is a curly rich brown which falls about midway down her back, though you'd never know since she always keeps it in a bun atop her head. Grace is Starbucks biggest fan, though she only ever orders the one drink. For the last couple years, Grace has gone to the local coffee shop religiously every Saturday morning promptly at 6:15am to order her treat, as she calls it. She typically sits in the shop for two or more hours reading or staring off in space thinking. This is her quiet time, her time to unwind after a hard week of work. Today is her first day at this Bay View, Wisconsin Starbucks. She recently moved up to the area after spending much of the last decade working out of Chicago. Now that her consulting business has really taken shape, she is truly able to work anywhere and everywhere since most of her clients, from all over the world, she works with remotely.

Mac is a 25-year-old Starbucks barista. He has been working at this location for over a year now and simply loves what he does. Mac stands at a proud six foot, two inches. He is extremely skinny with short, stick straight blond hair. Mac is your classic pretty boy with his metro style and overly flirty personality. When Grace first walked in to the Starbucks that morning, the first thing Mac noticed about her was her eyes, blue and stunning like the sea. He thought to compliment her but when she ordered that ridiculous drink, he assumed she was just another basic white chick and decided not to waste his breath. As is his job, he makes her drink exactly the way she likes it and called off her name. "I have a drink ready for Grace."

Grace picks up the drink and by the look on her face as she steals a quick sip, you'd think she was a kid on Christmas morning. "Mmm, perfect," she declares. "What's your name?"

What's my name? Mac thinks. Why is this woman engaging me in conversation? Just take your chai and move along, lady. "Mac," he says as he looks down to point at his nametag only to realize he's not wearing it.

"Ah, nice to meet you Mac. I'm Grace... well, I guess you already knew that though."

There's something in her soft voice or the way she smiles that makes Mac want to continue the conversation. "I've never seen you in here before. Certainly, that's a drink I would've remembered making." "I'm new to the area. Just moved up from Chicago. I like to treat myself once a week to this decadent tea."

"Chicago, hey? What brings you to Bay View?"

"I grew up in the Milwaukee area. Wanted to move back "home," I suppose."

"Interesting," but Mac is distracted by the the door opening as he slurs together a friendly farewell to Grace and a loud welcome to the next customer, "Well, enjoy your chai... Hello and welcome to Starbucks. What can we get started for you today?"

Grace takes a seat in the lounge area in a comfy brown leather chair. Here she pulls out the latest book she'd been reading by her favorite author, Jodi Picoult. An hour passes, and then two, as she sips her chai and delights in the world that Jodi paints. Like clockwork, just after 8:00, Grace places her bookmark within as she closes her book. She then stands, stretches, throws away her cup and turns to wave to Mac, "Thank you for the chai. Positively delicious." Mac waves back and tells her to have a good day.

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