"You are a chosen one, you will serve London as a superhero. Doesn't that sound exciting? It is a big job but we can work together." Wayzz was excited to be out of the box and ready to go!

     Nino blinked. "Say what?" He shook his head. "Now I know I'm dreaming. There's no way I could be a superhero." Even just the thought of it was ridiculous.

     "But you can be a superhero! I know you can Nino. At least give it a try." Wayzz looked relatively serious. "You are the chosen one."

     Nino understood then, realization filling his face. "Oh, okay. I get it, ha ha." Nino reached out and grabbed him. "This is some kinda trick, a joke. Where are the strings?" He said, waving his hand above Wayzz. "None. Huh, okay, so you're like a little drone or something. Very funny dudes, you got me. I bet this was your idea, wasn't it, Justin?" He called loudly, looking around for a camera.

     "Ow." Wayzz said quietly as he was man-handled. "I am not a drone, not a puppet, I am a living thing. Now please let me go!" He exclaimed and wiggled.

     Nino dropped him like a hot potato. "Wait, so you mean you're real?" He eyed him skeptically. "Prove it."

     "What do you want me to do? I can do a lot of things." Wayzz asked genuinely trying to get Nino to believe him.

     Nino blinked. "Um... I don't know..." He looked around. "They can't have everything here wired." He mumbled, before taking a glass of water from the dresser he'd left there the night before last while working on a mix-tape. "You're alive right? So you can drink then." He said, holding the glass out.

     "Oh yes, I can do that. Pardon me and my germs." Wayzz said kindly and moved to take a drink but the glass was too big, "Do you have a straw perchance?"

     "Oh, um, yeah. This way." He walked out of his room to the kitchenette off the living room. He found a bendy straw and placed it in the cup. "There you go."

     Wayzz smiled and began to drink from the cup. He drank til he couldn't anymore. "There. Thank you." He smiled at him, eyes daring him to deny the truth.

     Nino watched as the water level slowly depleted, eyes wide. "Okay, I'm convinced. Um. I still don't think you have the right person though."

     Wayzz shook his head, "You are the chosen one. I am bestowed to you Nino. It is fate."

     Nino laughed. "Yeah, um. I'd rather my fate not be doomed, thank you very much. I'm pretty positive I'd kill myself as a hero."

     "I will help you. You won't die." Only two ever did.

     Nino looked skeptical. "Uh huh. Um, like, I'm not saying I accept this or anything, but how does this giving me powers thing work?"

     "You need to put the bracelet on and say 'Wayzz, reinforce shell' and you will transform into Jade Turtle."

     "Wait, I'll turn into a TURTLE?!" He exclaimed, eyes widening. "What kind of superpower is that?! I know they say slow and steady won the race, but come on!"

     "You don't physically turn into an actual turtle. You can try it out." Wayzz offered.

     Nino bit his lip, thinking it over. "Um, okay... If this turns out to be a joke I'm killing Justin." He muttered under his breath as he put the bracelet on. "Can't I just say shell on or something?" He asked, trying it out, but nothing happened.

     "You need to say reinforce. They are not the same thing." Wayzz sighed some and pointed out.

     "Oh. Oops." Nino smiled sheepishly. "Alright. Wayzz, Reinforce Shell!" He shouted, bracing himself.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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