Family Life #2 Reiji Sakamaki

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"There is no time for this." You heard a familiar voice sigh out from behind you. Your eyes rolled as a smile spread across your lips. This man sure was awfully impatient for someone who was constantly reminding you to be more polite. "Calm down." You giggled out, smiling softly as you turned, wrapping your arms around husband's torso, his familiar scent enveloping you. You could practically feel his eyes rolling s he wrapped his arms around your body, "You're the one that wanted to go to this thing, so the least you could do is be punctual." Reiji huffed from above you, making a point that even you couldn't argue with. You nodded softly, stepping back away from him, giving a small twirl so he could see all of you. "Good?" You asked nervously, your lovely dress adorned with patterns of beautiful flowers flowing around you with each movement you made. Your husband's eyes softened, something that rarely happened as he placed a gentle hand on your stomach. "Two more weeks... I really don't like going out when this is happening so soon." He stated, ignoring your question entirely. All you did in response was smile at him, taking his hand and playing with his fingers. "Let me enjoy the last few weeks we have alone." You said softly, standing on your tip toes to press a soft kiss to his lips. And at that moment, not even your usually strict husband could deny you. His arms wrapped around your waist to support you as he kissed back in an almost hesitant fashion. You pulled away and smirked, your cheeks tinted a slight pink, "I'm not made of glass, Reiji." You teased, rolling your eyes at him. He only gave a very soft snort at your words, "You may as well be, and if you're not the glass you're the box carrying the very precious and highly breakable cargo. Therefore you must be handled with care." He stated, not skipping a beat, his tone extremely serious. You slipped your shoes on, sighing as you looked him over, "Well come on then Mr. Mailman, isn't it your job to get this package to her destination?" You teased, making the man before you roll his eyes once again as he followed you out to the car.
Soon the two of you found yourselves in a classy restaurant you had worked hard to get a reservation at. Your smile was dazzling as you grinned at your husband. No matter how strict or serious he could be, you really did love him, and the child growing inside of you would be a living, breathing symbol of that love. 

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