twenty-one // end

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"kkami, take a look at this." i ushered the white cat who was sitting on the floor an hour ago. she looked at me and went back to her own business.

"you stubborn cat," i sighed as i glanced at the clock.

"i'd better get ready now. seungmin's gonna flip if we're late again."

who didn't get enough sleep and woke up three in the morning staring at black space? definitely not me.

good thing kkami was here to listen to my dumb stories about some cliché confession and an idiot of a guy who stole my first kiss.

god, now i understand why kkami looks at me weirdly while i was telling her. i must look stupid, wow thanks a lot.

"i know, i'm going to take a shower now. stop looking at me like that!"


i already predicted that we were gonna be awfully awkward after what happened last night. i braced myself for the things that might go wrong today as tied my shoelaces.

not until the door bursted open and i was greeted by a smiling hyunjin. "you're early today by approximately thirty minutes. i'm surprised," for a moment he looked shocked and then clapped his hands slowly, muttering a small 'congratulations'.

"thanks for rubbing in my face that i'm always late." i glared at him and he raised his hands in mock surrender.

"it's true, though." he added and i smacked him in the shoulder, making him groan a little but shrugged it off after a few seconds.

"come on, let's go." he said and closed the door, kkami following closely.

"kkami, you do know you can't follow us to the school, right? right, now get your ass back to my room and drink your milk in peace." i chuckled as hyunjin shooed the poor cat away.

"that cat, i swear." he muttered as he looked at me grinning like an idiot at the small encounter with the cat. i stopped smiling as i realized this person beside me ain't gonna take his eyes off of me for a while.

"hey, stop that." i hit his shoulders lightly. he stopped and looked at me innocently.

"stop what?"

i groaned in frustration, this guy has got to be the most annoying person alive. i rolled my eyes and walked ahead of him before he grabbed my hand and pulled me back a little.

now, he's again looking at me. i swear, whenever he does that i suddenly feel so small and conscious of myself. and my intestines doing backflips are not helping either.

"you look so cute when you're blushing." he grinned and i slapped his chest, him backing away in pain as i walked away.

"i hate you, hwang hyunjin."


"so, who drugged hyunjin that he's in a very good mood today?" seungmin asked as we were sitting on the green field for our break.

"probably dahye, i mean who else." felix replied and i gave them a dumb look.

"why am i in this now?" i groaned.

"what if he just woke up in the right side of the bed, and besides, he looks totally fine to me. he's always like that."

"yea right. does that look normal to you?" seungmin pointed to the guy who is smiling like there's no tomorrow and greeted everyone in his way with a bright smile. he's right, hyunjin is being in his weird self right now.

as he neared us, we went back to eating and seungmin, in his phone. a certain person sat beside me and snaked his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"what are you doing?" i asked, looking angry but failing miserably as my cheeks are already a shade of pink.

"feed me." he said, and i widened my eyes, my face was feeling so warm i think it toasted all my brain cells left.

"w-why are you suddenly like this?" he shrugged as he looked at me with pleading eyes and i don't know if i should be freaked out or amused at this sight.

"just because," he pouted and i managed to chuckle as he drew his face nearer and so i immediately jabbed the spoon in his mouth, him mumbling inaudible words as i shook my head in disbelief.

seungmin had a look of disgust in his face and felix was just simply dying of cringe. hyunjin then collapsed on my lap as he closed his eyes.

"hyunjin what the heck is u on?" felix asked as i facepalmed internally and externally.

"felix, you act as if you don't do this with aeri." he muttered, eyes closed.

"well that's because aeri and i are dating while you two aren't-" he stopped midway to gasp.

"unless, you two are!"


[5 hours earlier.]

"kkami, what's that you're holding?" i asked the white cat biting a piece of paper, i assume, in it's mouth. kkami dropped it on the floor and i took it curiously.

it was a normal piece of paper ripped out of a notebook and folded twice. i opened it and grinned widely at the message.

i took a minute or two to lay on my bed staring at the paper dearly as i digested everything. the weird thing is, i can hear his voice saying these words as if he was telling me personally.

i frantically jumped out of my bed and looked for a pen and wrote something just below his writings and folded it back, placing it in my bag.

now thinking about it, he must have read it already since i put it in his bag this morning, thus him acting like so.

from jinnie,

hey dahye, i didn't gave you my answer earlier. the night you slept at my house, when i told you i like you, it wasn't intentional but it was true. i just thought you needed to know.

now here's the question, will you go out with me?

put a check on your answer.

☑ yes
☑ of course
☑ definitely!

do i have much of a choice, though?



cat next door is officially completed! thank you for the 2k+ reads i love yall ♡ not to worry, though. as this book ends another one will be published! its gonna be a bang chan fic bc we all love chris rite? i'll be publishing it soon:)))

cat next door.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora