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Tanya's View

I sucked my teeth as I felt Dave shake me for probably the fifth time since the sun rose. He touched my leg so I kicked him in the side of his neck.

"Dave, go jerk off or something." I whined.

"Nigga, I'm waking you up for school." He laughed.

"Oh." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Getting out the bed, I went in the bathroom and showered. I got out and wrapped a towel tightly around my body. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I walked back into Dave's room. He wasn't in there but there were clothes laid out on the bed for me.

I took off my wig from last night and took out my braids. My hair looked nice so I just oiled my scalp. I lotioned my skin and put on deodorant before slipping on my undergarments. Putting on the sweatpants and wife beater that Dave laid out, I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

"Morning, baby." I said.

"Morning." He said. "Kianna's outside."

I nodded and kissed his cheek before leaving out. Getting in Kianna's car, I put on my seatbelt and laid my head against the window.

"Soooo?" She said. "How was it?"


"Just good? Dave got a weak stroke or something?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "His stroke is amazing, Kianna."

"Oh, you scared me for a second." She said, pulling up in front of Carrie's house and beeping the horn.

The front door opened and Carrie walked out before locking it. She jogged over to the car and got in the backseat.

"Hey, guys." She greeted us.

"Hey." We responded.

"So, Tanya, how was your night?" Carrie asked.

"It was great."

"How was the food?"


"How was the sex?" Kianna smirked.

"It was fantastic."

We pulled into the school parking lot and got out. Before we could make it inside the school, I was pulled to the side. I instantly rolled my eyes when I saw it was Chris.

"Wassup, baby." He smiled.

"Chris, get the fuck out my face."

"Why you so rude, sexy?" He said, placing his hand on my waist and pulling me towards him.

I used all the force in my body to push him off of me. Without another word, I attempted to walk away.

Key word: attempted

Before I could get even half a step towards the opposite direction, he grabbed my upper arm and yanked me back.

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