Nathalie approached them and got them to become friends.

The kids starting off sitting close to each other but continuing to frown harshly. Then Nathalie got them to discuss and complain to each other about not getting to see their mothers at all on weekdays just to make a stupid movie. Their agreements on this topic led them to agree on more things like: honey is absolutely delicious, puns are very funny and they would love to be let out of the house by themselves and be superheroes!

All this chatting finally led to the two becoming friends by the end of the day.

Nathalie was definitely proud; all she did was tell them to tell each other about their moms going to work, which led to so much.

Nathalie should be appreciated more often. She might not do much, but every little helps. If it wasn't for her and the Gorilla, Adrien would still be a depressed loner to this day.

*Flashback end*

Adrien opened his eyes. He opened his eyes to face the world once and for all. This might just be a silly minute-test which matters very little, but when you actually face it, you start to question things. Why are you doing this? Will you be able to do it? What if you embarrass yourself? What if none of this was happening at all...

Adrien remembering a quick flashback of how she met Chloe is probably very random and out-of-topic on what is happening right now. But remember, every little detail has a deep meaning to it. In fictional stories, and in real life. If nothing had a true, detailed meaning to it, then what is even life? Every little thing matters, even the time when he accidentally dropped a comb, which implies sudden clumsiness. And sudden clumsiness is a sign of confusion and questioning, and even awkwardness and a reminder of bad moments. These are caused by minor or major stresses in life, which can lead to small, unnecessary things like accidentally dropping a small comb.

*Me to myself * was it actually me who wrote that? O_O

When you are in deep thought, every little second goes by so slowly, and before he even knew it, Victoria calmly asked the questions after a few seconds which felt like hours. He thought he was standing there for ages when hardly any time had passed at all.

"Okay, so this one most of us know already, but just in case. What is your name young man?"

The middle-aged blonde woman in blue glasses smiled at him, waiting for an answer.

"Oh, my name is Adrien. Adrien Agreste, son of Gabriel Agreste."

He answered clearly and calmly, especially describing himself as Gabriel's son in pride. However cold he might be, Gabriel will always have a place in his heart for his son, and vice-versa.

"Excellent, and why did you start modelling from a young age?"

"Well, my father wasn't very famous when I was young, and he was desperate to showcase his work to be noticed by even bigger designers. His friends suggested that my... cousin and I model for him. He disagreed at first just because I was young, but I persuaded him to let me do it. So, it's just to make my family happy. I never had a chance to a lot of freedom when I was younger, and I wanted to show to the world my talents instead of keeping them along the family."

Victoria was touched and a tiny bit surprised to receive such a deep answer, and gladly accepted it, realising that tutoring this innocent boy was going to be a fun and great pleasure.

Just as the woman opened her mouth to speak, she was rudely interrupted by the glass doors being loudly opened and a few members of staff coming in.

The test manager Lucas was a very impatient man, and frowned at the workers rudely coming in so loudly.

Everyone in the audience including Victoria turned to the group to see what was going on.

"Terrible news, Sir Lucas,"

Began one of the three men in slight hesitation, wondering if they should tell him what happened whilst the entire audience was awkwardly staring at them.

"W-well," continued the next brunette man, "u-umm, sir we have found something w-which might be a little bit of a... shock."

None of the workers wanted to continue, but manager Lucas ordered them to carry on, receiving a horrifying answer from the third man...

"We found an unconscious body in Hall 3."

That was it. That was it. That was definitely it.

They immediately regretted saying this in front of the entire hall, feeling incredibly guilty of themselves. Lucas stared at them with his big, brown eyes in disbelief. How on earth did an unconscious body appear in school? And in Hall 3?

Right that second, an alarmingly, loud bell rang, giving the students an almost heart attack! There was still ten minutes left of the period, so it would be odd for the bell to go at this time. However they didn't think of it too much; after all, it could be just a practice drill for the fire alarm.

Without thinking a second, every single person dashed out of the big room and looked for the exit like mad men and women. They were in such a panic, they just weren't thinking straight. Well, except from two people...

Adrien and Angel finally found each other through the crowd and immediately started following Lucas and the workers without hesitation; like they read each other's minds and they knew exactly what to do.

Finally Love, Marinette and Naomi appeared and struggled out of the crowd, still holding each of their sketchbooks with their deisigns: art was just too precious, especially this one since they would need it for Friday.

Like they hadn't seen each other in years, Marinette hugged Adrien because she was secretly a little scared, whilst Love and Angel awkwardly greeted each other and asking the other if they were okay or not. Meanwhile, Naomi was just standing there giggling to herself at her two adorable ships: Adrienette and Cupid.

Awesome ship name Cupid for Love x Angel suggested by ------ ! Man, I'm in love with this ship!

When Marinette asked the two where they were going, Angel explained that they were trying to follow the workers, and that they really should hurry since of course they were starting to get out of sight completely...

Love told the two, looking especially at Angel, that that wasn't a very good idea since they were heading to Hall 3 and in the corridor, the strong smell of dirt and small insects as well as spider webs could harm their nostrils, like he knew exactly what it was like.

Agreeing with the brunette, Marinette also simply said, "Curiosity kills the cat!" jokingly directed at Adrien since she reminded her so much of Chat.

Before he could say it, Angel responded in his behalf with a smirk, "but satisfaction brought it back!"

Straight after, those two fist bumped and Adrien said, "That's the cat spirit!"

Right then, Adrien and Angel quickly ran off quietly towards the workers, with Love helplessly following them to spend some time with Angel, his friend. Which.... resulted in Marinette just standing all by herself.

A/N - Hey guys. It's been a while.

And I apologise for the cliff hanger. Unfortunately for you guys, it's a big one this time around.

I rewrote this authors' note because things are going to... change.

To find out what I'm talking about, please read the authors' note titled Bad News ;-; because it's very important thus pretty boring.

I completely forgot to publish this chapter which I had finished weeks ago, similar to the tags.

I don't have much to say really.

Tomato out!

words: 1926

started: 16th March 2018

finished: 20th March 2018

published: 4th April 2018

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