Chapter 17: Sunset

Start from the beginning

I grab some toothpaste because I remember I'm almost out. Responsible who? Backbone of the family? Oh, you mean Mike Wheeler. (A/N literally me when I do anything that requires .03% of physical stamina)

You've hit an all time low Mikey. I think to myself. Oh wow, I'm bored out of my mind! Let's go toiletry shopping!

When I check out, I end up with my toothpaste, a yo-yo, and a Take 5 bar. What do you mean, 'That was completely unnecessary'?

As exit the store, (yes, I pulled on the door again on accident) I hang the bag around my bike handle and continue riding. I guess I'll just go to the tree again.

When I get there, I put the bag of junk I bought in my backpack and head up the tree.

I effortlessly climb to the top. I dangle my feet over the edge, taking out my new yo-yo and candy bar.

I devour the Take 5 bar in seconds and bounce the yo-yo up and down for what seemed like hours. Well this is eventful.

Suddenly I hear a voice inside of my backpack.

"Is anyone there?"

I unzip it and pull my super comm out.

"It's Mike, I can't hear you. Who is this?"

"Y/N, I'm just really bored. Why is our connection so shitty? Where are you?" she asks.

My heart pangs with excitement as I reply, "I'm at our tree."

"Oh, what're you doing there?"

"I don't know, just bored I guess."

"Well that makes two of us." she says.

" you ready for school Monday?" I desperately try to keep a conversation going.

"I guess physically, but not mentally." comes her staticky reply. "You mind if I join you at the tree? I'm driving myself mad with boredom."

I grin widely. "Sure!" Realizing that sounded a tad bit too eager, I add: "Er...I mean if you want to."

"Awesome, see you in ten, bye." she ends our conversation.

There's no stopping my thoughts from running wildly and my heart from beating quickly.

I sit back down with happiness. (I may or may not have jumped up with excitement.)

"Hey," she smiles as she emerges from the climb after what seemed like forever.

"Hey," I reply.

She sits down next to me, our legs swinging back and forth.

"Man, I'm so happy we're all going to see The Temple of Doom tomorrow. I heard it's supposed to be really great." she says.

"Yeah I know, too bad we'll have to go to school the next day." I complain.

"Ugh, yuck. Don't remind me." she says, making a disgusted face.

I lightly chuckle and look down at my knees.

"Oh, also, I never even got to thank you for taking me home last week. Thank you so much. I don't know what the hell I was thinking." she continues.

"Oh, don't mention it. It wasn't a big deal." I say.

" kind of was though. How'd you even get everything back to my house? There were two bikes, two backpacks, and two people!"

"I have my ways." I say, too tired to explain how I did it.

She laughs, and I can't help but look into her soft E/C eyes. It was the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard.

"Do I have something on my face?" she asks, once she noticed me straight up staring.

"Oh" I say sheepishly as I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

I look down, but I swear she's blushing too. I love making people feel weird!

I can barely handle the tension, so I examine my super comm as an excuse to fidget. God, why am I so nervous. She can totally hear my heartbeat!

Y/N and I watch the sun set together. The sun shines on her face, and she looks as beautiful as Aphrodite. I do all I can to avoid staring at her face, my heart racing as fast as my thoughts.

"Do you think we should get going now?" she says sadly.

I check my watch only to see she was right, it was getting late.

Answering her with a nod, we both get up and attach ourselves to the exit system.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready." She confirms.

We jump on three, and she takes my hand. She wasn't afraid anymore, why was she holding my hand? Did she think I was scared? That's a sad thought.

I can do nothing to prevent my cheeks turning the color of the sky: bright pink, almost red.

Even though the ride down is fast, it feels like I'm on a merry-go-round. It feels as if we're the only two in the world. My hand is definitely sweaty, I don't know why she's holding it.

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