"You stay here," I unbuckled my seatbelt and turn to the child in my backseat. "Stay," I said, treating her like a pet dog. She mimics me in a whiny voice but makes no move to follow me out the car. I quickly grab the wrapped parcel off the passenger's seat and walk up the driveway. 

I knocked on the door, loud and clear. 

"Hold on, hon!" I hear and instantly smile at the sound of her velvety voice. 

But in good old Xavier fashion, I started pounding my free hand against her heavy wooden door. Next thing I heard was a frustrated scream and the door unlocking.

My beer girl. A glare already on her bare face. Wearing a grey shirt that said 'Tasmanian devil' tucked into cotton red short shorts, she looked bomb-ly adorable. Then she turned around and bend down giving me a view of her ass, and I almost choked on my drool. Short shorts are my new favourite item of female clothing. 

Correction: Jaida's clothing. She's the only female for me. Obviously.

I tilt my head to the side and get a good look at her round globes. Busy admiring the curve of her hips, I almost lost my footing when she turned around and her duffel bag lunged towards my face. "Take that to the car, pervert," she barked out, clearly on to me.

I smiled sheepishly and gently dropped her bag on the doorstep. Grabbing her hand, I pull her closer towards me and placed the wrapped present in her hand. "Here," I curled my hands around her waist once she accepted the parcel.

Her eyebrows pucker as she looked down at it. "What is it?" She asked curiously, just eyeing the object in her hands. I chuckled at her blatant interest. "Open it. It's just a little something I got for you, love," I whispered gently, marvelling at how beautiful she looked even with a frown on her face.

The crumpled paper bag carrying the object acted as a sleeve rather than wrapping paper, yet Jaida decided to tear it from the middle, slowly revealing the small token I purchased earlier that day. 

At first, she justs looks at the red leather cover of the A4 notebook and I feel disappointment sink in me at her reaction. But then the best thing happens. The corners of her pink and bare lips lift and she looked up to me with the rarest of her smiles. The one that reminded me how whipped I am and how it isn't crazy that I'm in love with her just shy off a month of knowing the amazing woman. When her white set of teeth made an appearance and her eyes crinkled from the smile she sported, I felt the compelling need to make it happen more often.

"Do you like it?" I asked as she traced the gold lettering carved on to the red material.

Phenomenal woman.

I swear I felt my ribs crush as her arms fly around my body and hug me tight. She knew that I knew the answer to my question, already. And to clear any possible doubt, she pulled her head back and kissed me, fiercely. Her lips planted against mine so roughly that I could feel the silent 'thank you' as she moved them against mine. She was marking me with her kiss and I couldn't be any happier.

I love my phenomenal beer girl. 

"I'll take that as a yes," I whispered against her lips and she smiled. My eyes were closed but I could feel her curved lips against the contours of my own. I nodded, happily and let go of her. Reaching between us, I bent down and grabbed her packed bag as she shut her door closed.

"Let's go."


Phenomenal woman.

I couldn't stop smiling. And I didn't want to stop. Xavier was a Godsend. 

I caught up with him after locking the front door and grabbed a hold of his free hand. Lacing our fingers together, I smiled wide at him when he looked back at me. 

Sincerely, JaidaWhere stories live. Discover now