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 The next day Levi continued to wonder about the night of the festival on his walk home from work. He walked the normal route home but noticed something out the corner of his eyes. Levis stopped at the gates of the small flower garden and noticed the same boy from the other night. He was carrying a box in his hands and was heading into a small bungalow. Levi thought to himself "That must be his new home, should I go say hi? .. no, that would be bad" but instead of going home, Levi sat on one of the benches in the flower garden, crossed his legs and rested his head back with his eyes closed. He doesn't know how long he sat there like that but he knew it had been more than an hour due to the light change. 

"Levi?" Eren spoke standing over Levi's relaxed body and watched as his eyes slowly flutter open. Levi sat up and clicked his neck "Eren? what are you doing here?" Eren looked confused "I was going to ask you the same, I live in that small house at the end of the park" Levi gestured for Eren to sit down and spoke "Yeah? well you know I live in the flats just over there, I just like sitting hear to clear my head" Eren sat really close to Levi and looked up at the sky "Have you remembered anything yet?" Levi looked at Eren and said "small bits, Once I remember I will tell you" Eren laughed "I'm the same, I remember us walking through this flower garden to your house but that's it ... That's why I was surprised to see you sat here" Levi moved his arm and placed it across the back of the bench and allowed Erens' head to rest on it "I remember us meeting at the festival, and me warning you not to hang around me because of my bad reputation" Eren smiled "Well it's obvious I didn't listen to your advice" and laughed a little. 

Both of them turned to look at the other at the same time causing Eren to turn red but Levi placed his other hand on Erens Knee and spoke quietly so only them two could hear "Eren, are you okay?" Eren nodded "Why do you ask?" and Levi smirked a little before continuing" The other morning when I woke up with you in my bed, It was obvious we had a lot of sex that night" Eren turned a dark rose red and spoke "I'm fi-fine, my body is fine" Levi wanted to laugh but kept up his expression as he leaned closer to Eren ear, letting his warm breath bounce off it as he spoke "I was just checking" and stood up, "I'm going home, bye, Eren" and walked off. Eren sat by himself just thinking about Levi and how close the two were sat. Eren felt guilty for lying to Levi, Eren remembered everything about the night of the festival when he made it home the other night and now can't get images of Levis' naked body out his head, wanting to be close to him. To touch him. To be with him.

Levi made it home and sat on the counter "So, I was the one to lead him to my house ... I wonder why I would do such a thing" and slowly fell asleep in his seat. Once again in his dreams, memories from the festival came back to him.


Eren and Levi had been talking for a while when a man walked over to there table "Eren right? I'm Erwin, the leading  man of this neighbourhood and I just wanted to welcome you to your new home" Armin turned to the other man "Levi ... you better not run this person out of this town" Levi smirked "Nice to see you too Erwin, I've already warned him but he chooses to stick around" Erwin smiled "I see, Eren, I wouldn't hang around Levi too much, you might get hurt" Eren smiled "Thanks for the Welcome but I'm fine here" Erwin nodded and walked off. Suddenly, Eren felt Levis foot stroke up and down his right inside leg, causing him to blush a little. Levi looked into Erens eyes "Do you want to go? away from all the stairs and talks" Eren laughed "Are you worried about me?" Levi stood up and leaned towards Erens face but stopped a cm away "No, I'm worried you're going to affect my reputation, so if you want to come with me you can" and started to walk away. Eren quickly jumped to his feet and followed Levi like a lost puppy.

Levi leads Eren through the flower garden and opened the door to a building of flats, Eren stopped and asked: "Where are you taking me?" Levi spoke in his monotone voice "Where do you think? my apartment. Don't worry, I have alcohol upstairs" and once again the both of them moved and after a couple of flights of stairs, they reached Levis house. Eren looked around the especially clean house and moved to the black corner couch, Levi grabbed two beers, even though they both had already had 4 each, and spoke "If you spill this in my house you are a dead man walking" and headed to the couch.  Levi sat down and Eren offered his hand to grab the drink but Levi didn't give "What ya doing?" Eren questioned. Levi placed his drink on the shelf under the small table in the centre of the room but held onto Erens, teasing him. Eren leaned forward to grab it but easily grew dizzy from the fast movement and fell straight onto Levi, pushing them both onto the couch. Levi placed the beer on the counter behind his head and spoke "Normally I push my prey down" Eren turned red and laughed but stopped when Levi grabbed Erens shirt and pulled him closer, Levi leaned forward and was very close to kissing his lips.

Levi's eyes flew open and he looked around the empty apartment "shit, what did I do" and rested his head on his hand, unable to stop thinking about that moment. 

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