Chapter 2

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"Okay Giotto what is going on with Tsuna, you seem to be pretty calm and understanding about this predicament." Reborn says feeling very annoyed since he hates not being informed of things, and about the fact that he now has to explain to Nana about what's going on and about the mafia which was something no one wanted. Giotto turns around and glares at Reborn, giving him a look that says 'speak to me like that again I dare you' which causes Reborn to shiver in fear a little bit, of course he did it in a way no one could see him since like hell he is going to show weakness. 

"He is going through a transformation that only happens very rarely in our lineage but it did happen to me so yes, to answer one of your discreet questions, I do have an understanding about all of this. He is going through puberty but because our blood is tainted he is also becoming like a cat, so while going through normal boy puberty he is also going to go through a cat's heat. Which he will need a special someone to help him out, someone he could trust with his life, someone he knows who will never betray him."

Tsuna just stands there confused and stunned, what does he mean I am going to go into heat like a cat? What does he mean that I will need someone to 'help me out' I am so confused, I am scared, someone I trust with my life? Someone who will never betray me? I have a few people like that in mind, but until I can figure out the other part I won't know who to pick.

"Giotto a quick question if you don't mind?" Tsuna shyly speaks out looking directly into Giotto's sky blue eyes. "What is it young Decimo?" Giotto responds looking at Tsuna with a calm and loving smile on his face. "Well when you say find someone to 'help me out' what exactly do you mean by that? Like what would I need someone to help me out with? And what do you mean by experience a cat's heat?"

 Tsuna says as innocently as someone can be towards Giotto who becomes flustered and starts blushing madly. He does a small cough to get control over himself and kneels down to Tsuna's height "It means you are going to need a sexual partner Tsuna, someone to help you out with your soon to be sexual desires, since you will not be able to come out of the heat alone, you will need someone that is called a mate, a lifelong soul partner that will always be by your side and help you when you are in need, someone who will risk their life for yours and likewise, so someone like a husband." Giotto explains as simply as he could think of, and starts to feel bad once Tsuna finally gets it, since the young man looked like the world has ended for him.

"So you are telling me that, the only way to get over this heat thing that I may experience... is to find myself a boyfriend? Meaning I will have to date and do sexual things with another male? It's not like I am homophobic or anything, but I have never once thought about any of my friends that way, nor have I thought of any male like that. How am I supposed to find someone that I can do that stuff with? What if I don't find anyone?" Tsuna says freaking out and in the middle of having a mental breakdown. 

 Giotto brings Tsuna into a tight hug and starts to rub his back, trying to calm to poor boy down, "I am sorry you are going through this Tsuna, and yes I understand that this is a lot to take in, but you don't have to worry about not finding a mate, once you are near that someone your whole body will know it, and once you are near them they will smell your knew scent and be drawn to you in a way no one can even describe. It will be someone very close to you even if you don't think they are, all you will have to do is let yourself go and allow yourself to accept them into your life in a different way, and likewise the mate will have to do the same."

 Giotto explains which only calms Tsuna down a little bit. He still doesn't know who it's going to be or how they will react to how Tsuna is now and react to this situation. For all he knows it could be one of his Guardians which he would not be happy about, he doesn't want to drag any of his friends through this.

Okay my lovelies this is where you can come in and tell me who you want him to be paired with, remember the chapters for each pairing are only going to be 1-2 chapters long, but I will do multiple stories of the same person if they get asked for enough, be sure to say how you would like them to be... Like for example....

Hibari- Cold and arrogant, rough in the bedroom, and rude to Tsuna

Mukuro- Shaddy and rough, violent.... Things like that. 

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