Chapter 1

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He woke up one day and realized that things were not normal. He woke up with cat ears and a tail, which freaked him out. Not knowing what to do he just laid back down in bed trying to go back to sleep, hoping this was all just a very weird and bad dream. Waking up again after a few hours he realized that the tails and ears were still there on his body, a brown fluffy tail and ears that matched his brown out of control hair and his caramel eyes. The new additions to his appearance did not please him at all, he already had big doe eyes, soft white skin, and he was short and thin, he was already very girly looking and he did not like having the ears and tail of a cat to make him look even more unusual.

Tsuna decided that he would wear a toque all day long to try and cover up the new cat ears on his head, but it looked out of place being on his head when he was indoors and his mother and Reborn looked at him like he was going insane. Reborn, being one who doesn't like secretes being hidden from him decides to rip off Tsuna's toque and it reveals his cute fluffy brown ears which causes everyone to gasp in shock. Reborn tries to rip off Tsuna's new ears only to stop once he hears his student whining about how painful and mean it is of Reborn. They all stop and stare at Tsuna, trying to figure out what the hell just happened and why the hell he has cat ears, which none of them have even bothered to see if he has a tail also.

After a few moments of staring and wondering how and why he has them, a poof sound is heard and Giotto is now standing in the middle of the room. Tsuna being who he is freaks out a little bit and questions why the first boss of Vongola is standing in the middle of his kitchen, then Tsuna turns around to see that his mother is still in the kitchen staring at both him and Giotto with a very confused look on her face. Tsuna then starts to freak out even more and starts mumbling a bunch of words to Reborn trying to tell him that his mother was still there and has now seen everything, but poor Tsuna couldn't calm down enough to talk to Reborn, so Giotto turns to him and asks Reborn who the civilian woman is, then Reborn face-palms and turns around to Nana and ushers her out of the kitchen into the living room and telling her that he will personally explain everything once they have all figured it out. 

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