Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

*Harry Styles*

Two days had gone by since my fight with Olivia, and I was still fuming. I had the whole weekend to make up to her, but instead, I chose to sit at home and sulk. What made me angrier was the fact that I even wanted to make up with her in the first place, because she was the one being unreasonable, and if anyone should have had to apologize, it should have been her. But of course, this was Olivia, and the sky could crack, the earth could split, I could confess to some unresolved feelings for Dylan, but Olivia Harper would never apologize to me.

I lay on my bed, replaying our fight in my head. I knew some of the things I said were harsh, but they were also a bit true, and I was sure Olivia knew that. Even then, I felt slightly guilty and angry because I felt guilty.

A knock sounded on the door, and two seconds later, the door creaked open. My mother’s head appeared in the crack, and she smiled at me.

“Louis’ here to see you,” she told me.

I sat up and nodded. “Alright, thanks mum.”

Louis walked in, flashing my mother a brilliant smile and greeting her happily. He let himself get comfortable on my bed, and then looked at me.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

“Hi,” I muttered sarcastically, rolling my eyes and letting myself fall back onto the bed.

“Yeah, yeah,” Louis replied dismissively. “Just tell me why you’ve been acting like this ever since we went clubbing that night. I haven’t seen you since. At first, I thought you’d taken Olivia home and you guys were doing…you know, your thing, but then she staggered back into the club, absolutely drunk. Not that we weren’t…”

“I fought with her,” I told him.

Louis nodded. “I sort of figured,” he said. “I mean, I thought something must have happened, because she looked really sad after that, and then she just wanted to go home. I was the most sober, so I took her home.”

A flash of concern crossed through my mind, and I asked Louis, “Did she get home fine?”

“Mm, yeah, I managed.” He said. “She looked like she was about start crying, Harry. What happened?”

“Louis, she’s the most unreasonable, stupid and stubborn girl I’ve ever met!” I said angrily, sitting up again. I recited the whole incident to him, telling him how I was only looking out for her and that she was making a big deal out of nothing.

“She was drunk, Harry,” Louis started after I was done. “She didn’t know what was going on—”

“Which is the point I was trying to make,” I insisted.

“Yeah, but don’t blame her for getting annoyed,” Louis sighed. “I doubt she could separate right from wrong in that state…”

“Are you trying to contradict me, because I feel like we’re making the same point here,” I pointed out.

Louis chuckled. “I’m just trying to say,” he said, “that that’s her nature. She’s impulsive and stubborn and you know that better than anyone. Cut her some slack.”

“Why would I know that better than anyone?” I questioned.

“She opens up to you way more than anyone. I don’t even think she was this close to Lexi.”

“How do you know what?”

“I’ve seen the way she is with you,” Louis said softly. “It’s different.”

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