Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

*Olivia Harper*

The pain in my stomach was unbearable. I felt like I was going to throw up. My throat was absolutely dry. I opened my eyes, and the light streaming through the window hurt my eyes. I squeezed them shut again, laying still in bed. I felt terrible, and even moving a finger made me feel like I’d explode.

I was an idiot. How could I drink so damn much, knowing I had school the next day? I don’t even know how I managed to get off bed. After about ten minutes of dry heaving into the toilet bowl, I managed to drag myself to the sink and brush my teeth. After taking a shower, I downed two Tylenol tablets and and about two glasses of water. A nap would have helped, but I had to get my ass to school.

By the time I went down for breakfast, Linda and dad had already left. I hurriedly gulped down my breakfast and left for school.

As I drove to school, I tried to think back to the events of the previous night, trying to recall anything. All I remembered was walking into the house and dancing with a few people. After that, I’d probably started drinking and that’s the part from where everything seemed hazy. I remember staggering from one place to another and grinding against random boys. I remember knowing I should stop, promising myself that every cup I took would be my last, and finding myself breaking that promise as soon I emptied the cup of its contents.

Harry. I remembered Harry. Nothing else, I just remembered him hovering over me as I sat on the bar stool, downing drink after drink. I remembered tight grip around my waist as he supported my weight, I remembered his arms around me. I didn’t know when he’d left, where he’d left me, who he’d left with. I just remembered…him.

Had I apologized to him? Or had I just thrown up all over his clothes?

I parked the car and got off. As I walked to school, I spotted Lexi walking in the building.

“Hey, Lex!” I called out. She didn’t hear me though, but just continued walking. “Lexi!” I frowned when she still didn’t turn around. “Alexandra!”

She did turn around when I called her by her real name. I grinned and caught up with her. “Hi, you.”

“God, Liv, you know I don’t like anyone calling me that.” she snapped.

I laughed. “Well, you weren’t listening so I figured that would be the best way to grab your attention.” I said.

“You’re so annoying.” she grumbled, rolling her eyes.

“What crawled up your pants this morning?” I asked her, confused.

“Shut up, Liv!” she snapped. “God, you think you’re so funny, don’t you? Just…leave me alone, I have class.”

I watched, confused, as she stalked off. Had I done something? The last time I’d seen her, she seemed fine.

“Hey, there.” someone bumped my shoulder. I turned to see Harry standing behind me, smiling down at me with his signature half smile. “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”

“Why?” I asked him.

“Aren’t you hungover as hell?” he asked.

I chuckled. “You have no idea.” I said. “Hey, listen, you were there at the party last night, right?”

“Mmhmm.” he nodded, as we started walking to class. I was glad we were talking normally like this, and he didn’t seem pissed off or mad.

“Did I…what…what the fuck happened last night?” I asked him.

The Deal (English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora