
“You’re her best friend.” I said, starting to get slightly agitated. “You’re supposed to support her, not turn your back on her and insult her in front of everyone.”

Hurt flashed across Lexi’s features. “I see what she’s done. That whore has turned you against me—”

“Stop that.” I sighed. “Stop calling her a whore, Lexi. She isn’t that. She’s a great person, and I’m sorry that you’re too caught up in your own world to believe that. You lost a friend as great as Olivia, and you’re going to regret it. Girls like her…they’re hard to find.”

Lexi frowned up at me. As far as she was concerned, me defending Olivia was a really big deal. But then her expression slowly changed, and she nodded.

“You’re falling for her.”

That took me by surprise. I frowned. “What? I’m—no, what?”

“You’re falling for her, aren’t you?” she asked me. “You like her. I can see it.”

“Lexi, what are you talking about?” I questioned. “Of course I’m not. Olivia and I are just friends.”

“Yeah, well, you can’t control these things.” she said. “You’re going to have to break this off someday, Harry. And trust me, looking at you now, I can tell that someday’s gonna be here in no time.”

“I am not falling for her, Lexi.” I said. “It’s never going to happen.”

“You tell that to yourself, sure.” she said. “Break it off now, Harry. Because Olivia has never given a rat’s ass about anyone else’s emotions. They don’t exist for her. The moment she gets even the slightest hint that you like her—”

“I don’t—”

“—she’s going to rip your heart out, and walk all over it with her high heeled boots.” she continued. “What, you think she’s going to change for you? No way, Harry. This isn’t new for her. You fall for her, she dumps you and moves on. It’s going to be way easier for her.”

“Shut up, Lexi.” I said angrily. “Seriously, stop it. Stop talking about her like that. And you’re wrong. I am not falling for her.”

Lexi shook her head, and then rolled her eyes. “We’ll see about that.” she said. “Don’t complain when I say ‘I told you so’.”

And with that, Lexi walked off.


*Olivia Harper*

I stuffed my books in my bag, relieved that this period was over, and I now had a free period to look forward.

“You’re lucky,” Niall grumbled. “I have Chemistry.”

“Have fun with that.” I laughed.

I heard a few people whisper behind me, and on natural instinct, I stilled slightly to listen in. It was then when I realized they were talking about me.

“How does she get to sleep with him? Harry Styles?

“Well, obviously like every other guy in school, he thinks she’s hot.

“Ew, is he blind?”

“Well, she is hot.” Their tone was grudging. “But she’s a whore.”

“Mm, she’s pretty easy.”

I clenched my jaw and turned around to glare at the two girls whispering about me behind my back.

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