I shrugged. “I like your dimples.” I murmured, staring up at him.

“You love my dimples.” he corrected.

I laughed. “No.” I shook my head.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.” he said, taking my hand.

I pulled it away from his grasp. “Lexi?” I asked. The room was spinning and it seemed like there were two Harrys. My head felt heavy and my eyes starting to fall shut. I slid forward, but Harry caught me.

“Whoa, you’re really drunk.” Harry said, supporting my weight. “It’s okay, I’ll drop you home first, and then I’ll drop Lexi home.”

“O—hic—okay.” I mumbled, and let him help me to my feet.

I clung to Harry as he led me to Lexi, who was dancing. He pulled her away from the dancefloor into a corner.

“Harry!” she said happily. “Let’s dance, babe. Liv, you wanna dance too?”

“Lexi,” Harry said, “Liv is really drunk. We should get her home, or she’ll pass out here.”

Lexi’s expression fell. “What? Go home? But we just came here!”

Harry nodded. “I know, Lexi.” he said. “But Harper really needs to go home.”

Lexi sighed. “Okay. Let’s go.” she mumbled, and then shot me a look. I simply gazed back at her, too out of my mind to form a proper sentence or show any expression.

Harry, Lexi and I exited the house. Harry supported my entire weight as he led me to the car, but I figured it wasn’t too hard for him to do. Lexi looked really angry, as I’d hurt her in some physical way. She sat in the front with Harry, while I sat in the back. I lulled my head back against the seat, and started singing.

“In the jungle…the mighty jungle…”

Harry laughed. “Olivia, you idiot.” he joked.

“God, Liv, shut up!” Lexi snapped, and I immediately stopped singing. Harry stopped laughing.

“Whaaa?” I questioned.

“You ruin everything!” she sighed, frustrated. “Harry and I couldn’t even enjoy our night together because you’ve suddenly turned into this drunk whore. You can’t even stand up properly! What, do you expect everyone to keep running behind you trying to stop you from falling on your ass? Grow up! Learn to take care of yourself!”

I felt tears sting my eyes at her words, and I watched as she half turned around in her seat to continue. “You’re always acting this reckless and stupid, and you expect everyone to take care of you. Some people don’t give a shit, Olivia, and you won’t have people running behind you all the time. You can’t even take care of yourself for one night. If you can’t handle your alcohol, don’t fucking drink.”

I looked out of the window as she continued, and wiped away a few tears that had managed to escape. Harry sat silently, listening but not saying a word.

We finally reached my house, and Harry stopped the car.

“Are your parents home?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “No.”

He got off the car and held the door open for me. I stumbled out and he caught me. He smirked, then leaned in to look at Lexi. “Lexi, wait here. I’ll drop Olivia upstairs and come back.”

“Whatever.” Lexi shrugged. “Just make sure she doesn’t end up throwing up all over your clothes.”

“Bye, Lexi.” I mumbled, but she ignored me. I turned to Harry, as he led me to the house. “Oops. She hates me.”

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