I frowned. “The library?”

“Yes yes, please move out.” he said impatiently. “The class is getting disrupted.”

The library? As long as I had been in this school, I’d never stepped into the library—not once. Maybe if the time I’d made out with Dylan behind the shelves was to be counted, then I’d say I’d been there once.

Even so, I got up slowly. Niall looked at me questioningly, and I simply shrugged. I followed Harry out, and the door shit behind us. The moment it did, Harry turned to me with the biggest smile on his face.

“What?” I asked him. “Why are we going to the library?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, Harper.” he said. “How dumb are you?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

He shook his head, his curls bouncing lightly. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me forward.

“Where are we going?” I asked, as he dragged me across the hallway.

“Harper, you’re a bit of an idiot, you know?” he asked me, and the stopped walking suddenly.

“Harry, you’re scaring me.” I said, looking up into his piercing green eyes.

He leaned slowly, and my breathing hitched, as his arm slowly, really slowly, went around my waist.

“You really think I pulled you out of class to take you to the library?” he asked me, as his fingers brushed the skin of my stomach.

“I…” hadn’t he? Hadn’t he taken me out, maybe because the librarian wanted to talk to me?

His other arm slid down my arm slowly, and grabbed my hand in his. He pulled me, and the next thing I knew, were were suddenly in a dark, tiny room with just one bulb, not even giving enough light to let me see Harry’s face properly.

“Broom closet? Why are we in the—” I broke off, as it sunk in. Harry was right, I was quite stupid.

Of course he hadn’t called me to take me to the library!

“Caught on, have you?” he asked, and leaned in to capture my lips in a bruising kiss. He pulled away, and reached for the button of my jeans.

“But we just—”

“I know.” he said. “Are you telling me you don’t want to?”

Of course I wanted to.

I replied by simply pulling him into a kiss. His hand cupped my neck, the other on my waist. I tugged on his hair, and he let out a soft moan into my mouth. The hand the was cupping my neck slowly slid down my arm, to my waist, and he lifted the hem of my shirt before pulling it off.

His lips moved down, gently brushing behind my ear, nibbling on my ear lobe, and then moved down to my neck, as he peppered my skin with hot, open mouthed kisses. He kissed further down, as far as my bra would allow him to.

He gently pushed his hips against mine, and as his jeans clad erection brushed my crotch, I let out a soft moan.

“We’re going to have to be quiet,” he chuckled really softly.

He thrust his hips forward again, and I bit my lip to stop moaning this time. His hands undid the button of my jeans and slid them down, before slowly pushing the crotch of my panties aside and getting his fingers to work.

I don’t even know how the next five to seven minutes passed, everything was a blur. I couldn’t think straight, with Harry’s hands on lips on my body, moving all over—some times roughly, sometimes gently. The way his body moved against mine, the way his fingers fluttered against me skin just left me gasping for more.

When we stepped out of the broom closet ten minutes later, the corridor was still deserted. There were only five minutes for classes to get over.

Harry turned to me. His face was flushed, his hair slightly messed up, and he was grinning widely.

“Enjoyed that, Harper?” he asked me, winking lightly.

“Get away from me.” I muttered. “You can’t tell anyone.”

“What? That we just fucked each other senseless?” he asked me.

“Yes.” I said, rolling my eyes. “I haven’t even told Lexi yet, alright?”

“Wow, keeping secrets from your best friend?” Harry asked. “You’re a bad friend.”

“Oh, mind your own business!” I snapped.

Harry laughed. “I don’t get you. When we’re having sex, you’re always looking up at me with these eyes like I own you or something, but the moment we stop, you act like I killed your grandmother and ran over your dog at the same time.”

“You and I aren’t friends you know? If we’re caught talking and hanging around in public, people will suspect.”

“I thought the whole purpose of being fuck buddies is that you’re…buddies. “FRIENDS” with benefits? Fuck “BUDDIES”? We’re friends now, Harper.”

“We’re not friends.” I told him.

“Are we in love, then?” he asked me, his smile widening.

My eyes widened as I stared at him, appalled by his question. “Love—are you—we are not in love!”

“Really? Are you sure?” he asked me.

“I am not in love with you. You are not in love with me.” I said firmly, slapping his arm. “That’s final.”

“What if, though? What if we start liking each other?” he asked me.

“Apocalypse!” I snapped. “There’s no liking—or loving—okay? Just don’t even—this is sex. Only sex.”

Harry smirked, as if he didn’t believe a word I was saying. “Whatever you say, Harper. Just don’t fall in love with me.”

“You’re the last person I’m falling in love with, you stupid, over confident little cunt.”

“Whoa!” Harry laughed. “No swearing, Harper.”

I wanted to slap him so bad at that moment, that I had to ball my hands into fists. I was probably looking like an angry five year old, as I stood there glaring at him with my face flushed angrily and my eyes narrowed and my balled fists.

Harry laughed again, and pinched my cheek. I slapped his arm away.

“But do be careful, Harper.” Harry whispered, leaning in. “You don’t want to break the deal by falling for me, do you?”

The Deal (English)Where stories live. Discover now