“But I do know you.” I said. “You think every damn girl loves you so much, she’ll just throw herself at you—”

“You did.” Harry said, leaning in to whisper in my ear. “You threw yourself at me. Out of every other guy there, you walked up to me. You kissed me. You had sex with me.”

I closed my eyes for a tiny split second as his hot breath was all over the right side of my face, before opening them and pushing at him.

“I didn’t know what i was doing.” I said, glaring at him. “I was drunk. I was angry and—”

“And you kissed me. At the end of the day, you’re just like every other girl, Harper. Every other girl who finds me attractive. And even now, you’re sober, but you’re attracted to me.”

“I am not!” I hissed, appalled at his statement. Me? Find Harry attractive? He was a jerk. He was an idiot. He was—

Quite good looking. His perfect jaw, his piercing green eyes, his curls, the veins that popped out of his neck as he clenched his jaw, his full and pink lips, his prominent collar bones…

I shook my head and looked at him. I was losing it.

“Don’t try to hide it.” he said, moving in closer. “You don’t really care you broke up with Dylan. You’re not angry with me for having sex with you while you were drunk. You’re just trying to cover up because you don’t care.”

“I—” I was unable to form any words, as my gaze slowly slipped to his lips. I wondered what his lips would feel like, because I didn’t remember the last time…

His hands came up on either side of my head, as he leaned in to whisper in my ear. ”Like every other girl, you want to kiss me right now. Don’t you Harper?”

NO! My mind was screaming, but my body, which seemed disconnected, was going against it. My hands slid up his chest over his shirt to his collar, and I pulled him into a kiss.

Pull away, pull away, this isn’t right, this is so wrong. No, Olivia, no. Not right, this isn’t right, it’s wrong—

It was amazing. Harry immediately responded, his mouth moving urgently against mine. My hands moved to his curls and I wound my fingers in them, as his hands went to the hem of my t-shirt, lifting it up slightly.

We were making out in the corridor, where anyone could see us.

Gasping, I pulled away slightly to tell Harry to come into the washroom. At this moment, I doubt he cared that we were about to enter the girls’ washroom. Just like I didn’t care that I was doing nothing to prove him wrong, that I was doing nothing except showing him that he was quite right, that I wanted him.

We ducked inside and into a stall, and I bolted it shut behind me. My lips returned to Harry’s as he pushed me against the wall, his hands moving further up my t-shirt, over to my bra. He kissed down my neck and bit gently into my skin, and I tried very hard to suppress a moan, in case someone heard me.

“Let’s see how quiet you can be, shall we, Harper?” Harry whispered softly in my ear, as one if his hands moved to the button of my jeans. He undid it slowly, and slipped his hands inside. I bit my lip in anticipation, hoping with all my heart no one would hear us.


*Harry Styles*

I grunted against her skin as I came, trying my hardest not to make a sound too loud. She followed soon after, her fingers digging into my back.

I pulled away quickly, and we straightened our clothes in silence. I pulled my jeans back up, watching her the whole time.

I was dying to know what she was thinking. She looked like she was thinking of a million things at the same time, and I could almost hear her mind buzzing. I wanted to ask her what she was thinking, but she spoke before I could even open my mouth.

“Stay here,” she said, “and I’ll check if anyone’s outside.”

I nodded, and she quietly tip toed out. A minute later, she peeked inside the stall.

“Quick, come out!” she said. I followed her out quietly, and once we were outside, I huffed, relieved. I turned to her to grin.

“That was awesome.” I said.

I was expecting a sarcastic response about how this was again my fault. So I was surprised when I saw her smile, even if only a little bit. “You’re annoying.” she said, still smiling slightly.

“Did you just smile?” I asked in what was only half mock surprise. “I didn’t know God had gifted you with that trait. Sex makes you happy, huh?”

She slapped my arm, but otherwise ignored my statement. “Look, how are we going to keep going on if we can’t keep our hands off each other?”

You can’t keep your hands off me, you mean,” I joked.

“This wasn’t one sided, you know?” she rolled her eyes.


“I don’t like you.” she said.

I frowned. “Ouch.”

“No, I mean,” she shook her head, “I don’t like you. Like, I don’t want to date you—or anyone else, for that matter. But you’re good at sex and…”

“What’re you trying to say?” I asked her slowly.

“Let’s just…have you ever seen Friends With Benefits, Harry?” she asked me.

“Erm, no,” I shook my head. “But…I think I get the gist of what it’s about.”


“Exactly what?” I asked her, starting to catch up.

“You’re so slow.” she sighed. “We should do that…you know? Friends With Benefits.”

“You want to fuck me every day but not be in a relationship?” I asked her, my eyes wide.

She frowned. “You make it sound really horrible like that, Styles.” she said. “But…yeah. I mean—wow, forget I said that. It’s such a stupid idea. I sound weird. No it’s—”

“Shut up.” I said, grinning. “You really think I’m going to refuse?”


“So,” I said, smiling down at her. “Hello, there, fuck buddy.”

The Deal (English)Where stories live. Discover now