Chapter Four

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 Knock, Knock

            The sound woke me out of my sleep as I notice the sound coming from behind me. Pushing my feet into the floor to lift myself off the ground as I stretch my tried limbs before turning to the sound of the noise. Before I could even place my hand on the door knob, the door was shoved open by a worry looking Monica, her eyes seem to scan the room as if searching for something until her eyes landed on me. 

           "Oh, thank God you are ok. You miss work and I was worried since you never miss work, so I just wanted to stop by to make sure nothing was wrong." Monica quickly said while running over to me engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.

           My breathe felt like it was knock out of me when she wrap her arms around me tightly like I was a prey and she was the snake. Once she left me lose I welcome the fresh air that enter my despite lungs.

             "Sorry, Monica. I guess after my run last night, I just was to tried to wake up to my alarm." I reassure her as I walk into the kitchen to grab to bottle of waters to bring back into the living room to see Monica was sitting

             I took a sit on the other end of the couch that Monica was sitting as I hand her the other bottle water. Turning in my sit to face her better I place one of my leg on the couch and using my hands to push my heel against the thigh of my other leg making my legs form an four. 

             "Now that I know that you are alive and breathing, I going to be very blunt with you being your loving friend and all." She said as she seem to be holding in a giggle, "Baby girl, you look like you have been through hell and back then went again for a vacation." No longer holding in her laughter as she place her cherry red nail finger to her mouth trying to control her laughter.

             Seeing her laugh at her out little statement seem to start a giggle fit that left my mouth as I just shake my head at her playful manner. A small smile play its way toward my lips as I twist the cap off the bottle of water before take a drink.

            "By the way baby girl, your list Prince Charming stop by the office and he was not there to see Mr. William either."

           The cool water that once enjoyable turn into a unpleasing taste as it seem to spit out of my mouth due to the shock the words Monica words caused, looking over as her holding a devilish smirk on her face. Placing the cap back on the bottle before setting it on the coffee stand next to the couch as I got up to get napkins from the kitchen. I could feel the heat surface to my cheeks as I start my search to locate some napkins to clean up the water. Finally finding the napkins I came back to the living room to clean up the mess, while Monica watch me with that same devilish smirk on her face.

        After clean up the mess I turn my attention toward Monica giving her a questioning look, knowing that she use that smirk only when she had something plan, and because she brought up Gabriel I knew she was up to no go. 

        "What?" she question as she slowly move her shoulders up only to let them fall back in place again.

       "I have known you for quiet some time now, Monica. Now what do you have plan in that crazy little head of yours." Answering her question as my eyebrow seem to lift waiting for her answer.

         "Oh, nothing. Its a surprise which I will give you more information on next week," Monica tease, known I hate surprises.

         The moment those words left her mouth, I knew I was going to possibly hate her and regret her plan just like all the previous surprises she has bless me with. Hopefully this surprise was nothing compare to the last surprise she grace me with on my twenty one birthday, last year. Monica being the loving little playful person she was threw me a surprise birthday party, but the part I shall never forget is when they presented me with a huge birthday cake similar to the once you see at maybe a leatherette party. I did not think much of the fact that the cake was big enough to have a person inside it, before a young male stripper pop out of the cake and afterwards gave me a very shocking lap dance.

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