Prom Date

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Prom was two weeks away, that much Hoseok knew. He also knew that he was kind of screwed.

He didn't have a date.

Hoseok knows it's not the end of the world, and he could always just go with his friends, but this is prom. He has to have a date.

Hoseok doesn't care if the person likes him or not, he just wants someone to call a prom date.

Hoseok scrolls through Instagram and Snapchat, seeing everyone posting about their promposals and it makes him sigh loudly.

"What's wrong this time?" Hoseok's friend, Jimin, asks.

"Why is everyone getting a prom date, but me? This is ridiculous!" Hoseok throws his phone across his bedroom floor. It hits the wall with a loud thud.

Jimin chuckles at him, "Chill out, Seok. You don't need a date."

"I do, and you know it. Do you have a date, naggy pants?"

Jimin shoves him off the bed. Gently, of course. If you count the pained yelp gentle.

"Don't call me that! I don't nag! And, no, I don't have a date, either."

Hoseok gets back on the bed with a pained facial expression, "Jimin, I hope you know I fucking hate you. I'll be sending you a copy of my damn hospital bills."

Jimin snorts in amusement.

Hoseok gives him a deadpanned expression. Jimin smiles and the two begin laughing.

"But, seriously. You really don't have a date? What happened with that Yoongi guy?"

Jimin shrugs, "He said proms aren't his thing. He didn't even go to his own."

"That doesn't upset you?"

"Should it?"

"You're fucking whipped."

"Am not! I'm not going to force him to go. Besides, he's too busy for silly things like prom."

"Jimin, he's too busy to see you. I told you dating someone in college is hard."

Jimin just sighs. He knows Hoseok is right, but that isn't stopping him from seeing Yoongi.

"Don't worry about me. Let's find you a prom date, hm?"


It's been a week and Hoseok still can't find a date. It's either "oh, i was already asked" or "sorry, i'm not interested."

Hoseok huffed as he moved his lunch around on the tray. He needs to find a date soon. Prom is coming closer and closer.

"Are you going to eat your grapes?" Jimin asks him from across the table. Hoseok wordlessly hands the little bag over.

Jimin looks at his best friend with a bit of pity. He knows Hoseok really wants a date to prom, but Jimin doesn't quite get it. You don't need a date. Going with friends is just fine.

Lunch was soon over and the two parted ways to class.


It was around 11 at night and Hoseok was still awake. Prom was in four days and still no luck with the date.

Hoseok finally decided that he could just go alone, or with a few friends. He hopes it's not too late to pitch in for a limo or something.

Then it hit him.

Ha! How could Hoseok have been so blind and stupid? He grabbed his phone and went to his text messages.

Hoseok: aye you tryna go to prom with me or nah?

Jimin: did you just ask me over text?

Hoseok: your point?

Jimin: you could've asked nicely
Jimin: and in peRSON!

Hoseok: what about over the phone? c'mon jimin let me live

Jimin is calling...


"Ask nicely, asshole."

"Park Jimin, will you do me the honor of going to prom with me?"



Jimin chuckles into the speaker.

"Kidding, I'm kidding. Yes, I'll go to prom with you. Kind of late to ask me, though, don't you think?"

"Goodnight, Jimin."

Jimin's laugh was the last thing heard before the line went dead.


hope you enjoyed have a nice day :)


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