Chapter 2

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High school Eremins

Again, not much like the movie, I’m changing the storyline quite a lot to fit how I want things to turn out, but I’ll try to get the aspect of High school musical in there for you guys :)

I'm uploading this straight from tumblr, i haven't read through it or anything but i hope you like the second chapter!!!

Its long as hell again jfc


Armin’s first day at his new school had gone better than expected. Everyone else was in the same boat, nervously looking around to try and find their friends while making their way through the hallways in a confused daze; attempting to find their way to class.

Armin had been driven to school by Marco’s mother, saving both boys the trouble of finding each other amongst the hordes of students.

He recognised a few people from the New Year’s party as he saw them around school; however he chose not to talk to them. They probably would not know who he was.

Armin had been talking to Eren an awful lot over the winter vacation, gaining more knowledge and yet more methods of contact. Armin had found out that Eren was older, he had an adoptive sister named Mikasa, he was half German (and also in the process of learning the language) and he lived not too far away.

Despite this, the two boys had never met up in person; instead chose to stick to video calls. Eren had introduced Armin to his sister, and had even taught him a few words in German.

Over the short period of free time they were given for vacation, Armin and Eren’s friendship had grown more than most would in a few months. Armin’s feelings for Eren had grown too, along with their friendship, and he was almost positive that he was in love.

However, once the calls had ended and Armin was alone, he would berate himself over and over until he was almost at the verge of tears, telling himself: “Don’t get your hopes up.” and “He’s more than likely hetero.”

Still, no mention of the school Eren was headed to was brought up in any of their conversations, and Armin wanted nothing more than to ask yet found that he couldn’t bring himself to. He felt as if he was being too intrusive.

So, when Armin and Marco stumbled into their form room and Armin found the subject of his affections to be sat right there at a desk at the back of the class, he had to look twice to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating from lack of sleep.

Sleep had not been easy for him through the nights preceding his first day of school, and he suspected that he may have got at the maximum, five hours of sleep a night.

 Indeed, Eren Jaeger was not only at the same school as Armin, but in the same form, too.

Once again, Armin felt a deep blush rise to his cheeks; as it had done almost every time Eren popped up on his computer screen. The brunette soon turned from his conversation with a group of other students; blondes, brunettes and a boy with a shaved head, and his eyes widened upon seeing Armin.

“A-Armin?!” He shouted a little louder than necessary, clumsily rising from his desk in disbelief. Armin nodded, a wide smile taking over his previously worried features as he rushed to finally meet the boy he had spent his winter talking to.

Armin saw Marco turn and smile, before making his way towards the back of the room to sit by the group of people whom Eren was sat with.

Armin wanted nothing more than to hug Eren, to feel as close to him as possible, however he felt that the action would be unwelcome.

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