Late night routine

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Darkness of the night makes everythings in Spinner's End even more darken and more quiet than the day with those row of dilapidaged brick houses , broken streetlamps , and an abandoned mill that only makes this street more and a little bit scary . Everywhere was silent and no one can be seen in this late night hour .

Inside the very last house on the end of the street , almost every rooms were already dark except for the master bedroom that have a little light on which can see its glowing slowly through the dusty grey window . In the room , there was a person in a navy night gown who sit at the working desk , her (h/l) (h/c) was spreading behind her back . She staring at the phone in front of her with her finger gently slide through it's glowing touch screen on the desk along with the light from little lamp in the right corner , a little smile appear on her face while she was enjoying her late night movies .

Because you're half-blood and grew up near one of the Muggles' village so that's explain the reasons of how do you develope a passion for what they called technologies and inventions . You get used to them a lots cause you also have some of them in your family's house , a television in the living room , a computer (your dad like to call it a 'devilish smart machine' ) and also a wireless router (which you and your mom often stop your dad from using various charms trying to separate its parts to discover where the internet signal come from...)

By the way , there was another person who's laying on one side of the bed , his dark hair spread messily all over the pillow and if you look at him closely , you can tell from his face that he's a little frustated . Severus Snape had been toss and turn so many times since two or three hours ago trying to get himself to sleep which he find it very difficult because of a sound and a glowing light that keep coming from the opposite side of the room . He turn to the other side and close his Onyx eyes again , but nothing work . That's the last straw when he get up from bed into a sitting position .

"Seriously , (y/n)...could you please stop playing that 'muggle's thing' and finally come to bed for heaven's sake ." He spoke in his usual monotonous voice .

The sound from the tablet stops with your head turn to your left side to look at the clock .

"I don't think so , it's still early for my bedtime ."

He knitted his eyebrows .

" Early? Merlin's beard , it's half past 11 p.m. and that's what you call early ?"

He hissed . You turn to your grumpy boyfriend .

"Yeah , I usually go to bed around one or two a.m ."

He rolled his eyes and cross his arms .

"Young people these day..always stay up late at night and then end up with waking up late or taking a nap during the day , I don't understand at all ."

He said sourly , looking straight at you with those cold dark eyes .

"That's because we have tons of things to do ."

You answer with your gaze still at the screen .

He hissed again .

"Then why can't they just finish every of their so-busy routine during the day?"

He spoke with his arm cross tigher . You chuckle , took deep breath and turn off the lamp's light before carry your phone along with you .


You said while heading toward him and then crawl into the bed .

"-it is our style."

You tease before peck him on the cheek . You laying down beside him with your phone still in your hand , ignoring his annoyed reaction .

"By the way , this 'muggle's thing' is called a 'phone' ."

Severus Snape x Reader : Late night RoutineWhere stories live. Discover now