
After the car ride he pulls up in front of Kevin's house, and in no mood to ruin anyone else's day he gives the Uber five stars as they didn't complain about his crying at all. He was greeted by one of Kevin's hugs but he quickly declined it. At this moment Kevin knew something was up. Tyler never declined a hug, he was a big not so innocent baby. Kevin welcomed Tyler inside and sat on the couch. Tyler sat distanced from him, his eyes puffy and red from crying. "You okay? If it was Justin I swear-" he was suddently cut off by Tyler who's voice was grouchy from crying. "No, it was me. I broke up with him" Tyler says and he starts to cry his eyes out again. Kevin rushed over to hug him but was quickly pushed off as Tyler backs away. "I broke up with him.... Because of you." Tyler says as he stands, trying to give himself strength to prepare himself for the words he were about to say. "I let him loose because it brought be depression to see you and him fight. And now, I'm letting you loose, for the same reason" Tyler says and before Kevin can say anything Ty runs out of the door, crying. His eyes were blurry but he already knew where he was going, somewhere that calmed him down no matter what.


Soon after Justin woke up his head was throbbing, he had hit it on the counter when he fell. He made his way to the freezer and put a freeze pack on it. "Shit" he screamed as he sat in the corner, replaying what happened before he blacked out. He wanted to make it right between him and Kevin but it was hard for him to admit when he's wrong. He only feels safe doing that to Tyler. His phone rings and he quickly takes his head up from his legs and runs to his phone. His heart drops as he sees that it's from Kevin.


What the hell do you want

Hey I didn't even start being rude yet, maybe this'll help. It's about your EX- boyfriend

Shut the hell up he's not gonna be my ex for very long.

Good, because I need you to get Tyler back. He will only forgive us if we get along.

Fine come to our house

Your house wtf?!? Y'all two moved-

Jay smirked as he hung up the phone, he knew that angered Kevin and quickly texted him their adress.


Soon after Kevin arrives his mouth drops open as he is shocked, surprisingly, their house is huge. He knocks on the door and explores, stopping at the stairs. "Nice place, Tyler definitely didn't decorate because I see no chandelier" Kevin says as he chuckles, sitting down on the couch. "Ya there's no way I'm letting him add one, but with his puppy dog eyes he tricked me into allowing one in the closet" Jay says and Kevin can't help but to laugh. "That's my... I mean OUR Tyler" Kevin says jokingly and Justin doesn't see why they had problems, Kevin seems cool. "Okay so serious talk, Idk about you but I NEED Tyler's over dramatic ass in my life" Kevin says and Justin chuckles. "Agreed. So, are we good?" Justin says as he puts a hand out to shake. "Perfect, you're a good guy Jay, I guess I just didn't know your side of the story. Tyler is a sensitive over dramatic baby" Kevin replies but instead of shaking Justin's hand he pulls him into a tight hug. To Kevin's suprise, Justin hugged back. "I see why Tyler goes to you for comfort, your hugs are amazing" Kevin says jokingly as he gives Justin a slight fist bump on the arm. "Likewise" Justin says as he just remembers about Tyler. How is it that the whole conversation was about Ty and yet, he forgot all about him. "Oh shit Ty, where the hell could he be! I texted him a dozen times and he hasn't responded" Justin says as he pops up, heading out the door. "I know where he would be at times like this, and Justin, your shoes" Kevin says and Justin giggles as he takes his shoes out of Kevin's hands, sliding them on. Kevin drives him and Jay to an abandoned warehouse that looked creepy as fook (yes I spelled that right in my dictionary). "Erm, are you tryna kill me?" Justin says as he unbuckles himself, scooting away from Kev. "No silly! It looks creepy but it's behind the house that matters" Kevin says as he gets out of the car and starts to walk behind the house. And he immediately sees a sleeping Tyler, who's eyes are puffy. "Hey Justin, I found your Juliet" Kevin yells and Justin races towards him. He lifts up Tyler and sits him in the backseat. After driving very careful, not waking up Tyler, they arrive to Ty and Jay's house. Justin picks up Tyler and lays him on the couch, after Kevin opened the door, making it easier. Justin and Kevin put on a movies after covering up Tyler and turning the lights out making popcorn. Halfway through the movie Justin and Kevin payed no attention, they were to busy joking and having a good time. Tyler began to mumble and only Justin heard it, he was used to this noise. He knew Tyler wouldn't sleep correctly unless he was cuddled onto someones chest. He crawled over to Tyler and layed down, sliding under him. Tyler opened his eyes slightly and smiled as he saw his two favs getting along. He yawns and leans forward asking Justin for a kiss. "Oops sorry, we broke up" Justin mocks and Tyler frowns, he wanted one of Justin's kisses. Justin pecks his lips and then his neck. "I love you baby boy" Justin says as he gives Tyler another peck on his lips. After burying his head into the crook of Justin's neck they begin to rewatch the movie. Starting it over because they had no clue what was going on. "You're boyfriend isn't so bad Ty" Kevin says as he gives them both a light squeeze. "Your bestfriend is awesome" Justin says back and Tyler smiles as the most important people in his life finally get along. Tyler soon falls asleep to the warm sensation of Justin's breath hitting his neck and Jay twirling his fingers into Ty's hair. Kevin soon after falls asleep and Justin turns the movie off, he can only sleep in silence. He glares back at Tyler and smiles then kisses his forehead, making Tyler whine. He lays Tyler's head on his chest and begins to play with his hair again. "I love you, my baby boy" Justin whispers into Tyler's ear and Tyler murmurs "I love you too". Justin was not suprised, Tyler never denied an "I love you" from him no matter what. Justin layed back down, fully relaxed and fell asleep to the warm touch of Tyler on his chest


Morning came and normally Ty was the first up but Kevin awaken before them. He took a picture on Tyler's phone then another on Jays and sat them down, now they finally had pictures to upload. He got his stuff together and quietly left. About two hours later Tyler had woken up and looked at Justin who looked adorable. He pecked Justin's lips and tried to leave when he felt a tight grip on his waist. He turned around in shock and Justin sat up on the couch, rubbing his eyes. "Babe I have to shower" Tyler said as he tried to get out of Justin's grip but it was no use. "C'mon baby, I just gone my boyfriend back, and we ALL know that as soon as we get up another round of drama starts" Justin says as he tries to pull Tyler back down, who eventually caves in. Tyler lays back on Justin's chest and Jay plays with Ty's hair while Tyler traced circles on Jay's chest. "I love you Justin" Tyler says as he kisses Justin's chest then smiles sheepishly. "I love you too Tyler" Justin says as he slides Tyler up to his height. He looks into his eyes and starts to give him quick pecks on the lips, which soon after turns into a hot makeout. As Tyler tried to get his pants off he was quickly cut off by Jay. "We're not doing that, I just wanna cuddle" Justin says as he giggles causing Tyler to blush a deep red in embarrassment. He burries his face into the crook of Justin's neck, trying to cool his face down. "Let me see your beautiful blushing face" Justin says as he starts to kiss Tyler's neck. Tyler gives up and looks at Justin, his cheeks still red from blushing. "See, like I said, beautiful" Justin says and Tyler blushes harder, hiding his face in Jay's neck.



Are We Meant To Be? (Jyler fanfic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now