If Donald Trump Came To My School

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Here is what would happen if donald trump came to my school

[[[BREAKING NEWS]]]: President Donald Trump appeared walking into School #12 and was never seen outside the building ever since. People walking past the school say they heard gun shots ans ran away. Police walked in and found Donald dead in one of the 3rd floor classrooms where the 6-8th graders learn. Police suspect that one of the teachers or students from the classroom has done it and are now checking cameras to find out who has done. Social media on the other hand are praising the person who didit saying they have blessed america
[[UPDATE]]: Donald Trumps wife has said "whoever killed my husband has saved me from my never ending abuse from him he even threatened that he would throw me over the wall he would build". Also Police find out there is a 13 year old girl named Ci'Asya who killed Trump and is now in jail for 6 minutes because the judge also wanted Trump dead and thanked her for her service. Trump supports on the other hand are pissed and the girl and say that she should have been sent on death row. Most ofamerica agrees with the judge so everyone is just going to let this one slide. Next President of america is going to be a South Korean by the name of Shin Hoseok or better known as Wonho his stage name for his kpop group Monsta X is going to be our next president. His first law is free Ramen for everyone. Monsta X's Company, Starship, says they are proud to see one of their creations being president of a whole entire country and says all of america can see free live shows to monsta x concert andcan even come backstage and talk to the members
[10 YEARS LATER]: all of america speaks korean and only loves monsta x and worships them night and day. they also worship all kpop groups and even get to live with some kpop members
[literally 4 seconds later]
A boy by the name of Demetrius was seen on cameras backstage fucking Wonho. Fellow Monsta x Member Hyungwon says this is unacceptable and wonho is his and only his and nobody gets to touch hoseok but him. This has gotten so intese police were even envolved. We dont have more information about this as President Wonho and Monsta x has decided to keep this as a secret. Unless changed there will be no more updates on this. NEW NEWS 
a kpop group by the name Pentagon has created a bop of the century called Shine. All of the fandom is jamming out to this amazing song and we reccommend you love it too <<its actually the song above loves :)))>>
Anyways yeah we will see you where there is more shit to say. yeah so stan pentagon and monsta x k bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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