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"Rathalos! You dare trespass here?!"

"I am the ruler of this forest, am I not? I can go where I please!"

"Would you two shut up?! Rathalos, go back to your den. Tobi-Kadachi, do whatever you do," I grumbled, opening one wyvern eye upon the pair of tyrants.

Rathalos growled at me, his red scales gleaming in the moonlight, "You don't tell me what to do, Kazori!"

Tobi-Kadachi merely smirked at the situation, the squirrel- like, fanged wyvern skulking away into the shadows.

My glistening, amber eyes followed Kadachi, before glaring at Rathalos' coal irises, "Oh shut it. You self proclaim everything. I bet even a mere handful of humans could take you down in a heartbeat," I felt my stomach grumble, "Now if you excuse me, I'll be hunting some lost humans."

Rathalos' wings drew open before he roared at me in a territorial manner. He was truly selfish. Although, that is to be expected by the one who had first laid claim to the top of the Ancient Tree. After our skirmish, I took to the skies.

My sleek, black armoured body stood out amongst the moonlight, although camoflauging me within the dark of night. My flaming eyes scanned the forest canopy for the hidden tunnel.

'There,' I thought to myself, surveiling the area for a Great Jagras before shifting into a human.

I was fairly pale, with raven black hair slowly fading to a dark blue, and amber eyes. I wore Odogaron armour and was accompanied by dual bone blades.

 I wore Odogaron armour and was accompanied by dual bone blades

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(Odogaron Beta armour)

"Welcome back, Meowster!" Arctic, my white palico, greeted me as I slid down the steep landscape. Down at the bottom was a stolen tent and map.

"Please help us Ma'am! We were being chased by Rathalos and..."

"Hush, it's okay," I soothingly commented, acting like I cared about them, "I know the way to Astera, I'll escort you there."

"Thank you ma'am!" They replied, over excited to return home.

I falsely led them deeper into the forest, overhearing their bright conversation while I kept an eye out for any pesky Pukei-Pukei.

"Say, I heard the commander talking about a new Flying Wyvern- a black one."


"Yeah! Supposedly it has a nest here, in the Ancient Forest, but it flies all over: even at the Great Ravine!"

My breath hitched, mere camouflage wasn't enough to hide me then.

"Meowster?" Arctic stared at me worried, knowing this could change everything.

"Commander plans on scouting it out in a few days, then after that will capture it! I'm actually rather excited."

I stopped, suddenly, the two hunters noticing something was amiss.

"What's up? Is there a monster nearby?"

My back still turned to them, I grinned, "Indeed," I turned around, my eyes becoming similar to a wyvern; black sclera, slit pupils.

My body grew in size, scales being drawn across my body. Lightning crackled in the atmosphere around me, gently wavering as my thin, yet sharp, tail flickered. A roar was released from my mouth so loud that even the Commander of Astera might've heard me.

The two barely had time to scream as I crunched down onto their heads, the satisfying crack of bones filling me with joy.

Shrubbery shifted from behind me and I noticed Tobi-Kadachi giving me an all knowing smirk.

"Shit. You saw it didn't you?" I growled at Kadachi, who stood on his hind legs and put his paws up in 'surrender.'

"I knew there was something humane about you, I just couldn't quite put my claw on it. But now I know. Just how can you be a human and a wyvern at the same time, however?"

I snarled, "None of your concern, squirrel. Get out of here," I licked the blood from around my scaled lips before rushing off into the skies.

I heard distant yells about Kadachi being found, but I knew he would make it out of there. After all, he would've been killed by Rathalos if he wasn't so powerful.

"Ready... Fire!!"

I swerved into a different direction as soon as I heard it. An electrical, metal net had been catapulted into the skies I was riding, cascading back to the ground trapping some poor Jagras.

"Meowster," I heard Arctic from my back, "What do we do?"

I suddenly halted my movements, realising I almost entered the territory of a Rathian.

"There is no other option than to fight, I'm afraid."

Wyvern ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now